Accounting platforms | Agricultural technology platforms |
API platforms | Asset management |
Augmented reality | Autonomous vehicle platforms |
Backup & restore | Big data |
Blockchain | Business automation platforms |
Business intelligence | Business process management |
Chatbot platforms | Cloud AI |
Cloud computing | Cloud security |
Cloud storage | Collaboration & teamwork |
Communication platforms | Compliance management |
Content delivery network | Content management systems |
Customer relationship management | Customer support |
Data analytics | Data integration |
Data science platforms | Data security platforms |
Database platforms | Deep learning platforms |
Development platforms | Digital advertising |
Digital marketing | Disaster recovery platforms |
Document management | Ecommerce |
Edge computing platforms | Employee relationship management |
Endpoint security | Energy management |
Environmental management | Event management |
Expense management | Facilities management |
Field service management | Financial management |
Fintech platforms | Game platforms |
Geographic information systems | Healthcare information systems |
Helpdesk platforms | Home automation |
Home security | Human resources management |
Identity and access management | Infrastructure as a service |
Internet of things | Inventory management |
Language translation | Legal management |
Machine learning platforms | Maintenance platforms |
Manufacturing systems | Master data management |
Medical imaging platforms | Mobile app platforms |
Mobility management platforms | Music streaming |
Natural language processing | Network security |
Online learning | Payment processing |
Payroll | Performance management |
Podcasting platforms | Point of sale |
Procurement platforms | Product lifecycle management |
Project management | Quality management |
Remote work platforms | Reporting platforms |
Research platforms | Risk management |
Robotics platforms | Sales platforms |
Serverless computing | Social media |
Software as a service | Supply chain management |
Tax management | Transaction processing |
Travel management | Video conferencing |
Video streaming | Virtual reality |
Warehouse management | Web hosting |
Workflow automation platforms | Workforce management |
Operating Systems
Operating systems provide the basic services required to use hardware. These are the lowest level of platform. Almost all software runs on an operating system such as linux with the only exceptions being low level firmware and embedded systems.Computing Platforms
Platforms built on top of operating systems that provide computing functionality in areas such as cloud computing and virtualization. For example, a cloud computing platform that allows you to scale your services by adding and removing virtual machines as required.Database Platforms
Cloud platforms for deploying and managing various types of database such as relational, NoSQL and in-memory databases.Storage Platforms
Platforms for scalable storage of objects and files including APIs and value added services such as resilient storage that is backed up in multiple locations.Application Platforms
Application platforms are environments and toolkits for developing and deploying applications, a class of software that is primarily designed to be used by people. For example, a platform that allows developers to build dynamic web applications by executing code and integrating with databases, systems and APIs.Mobile Platforms
Mobile platforms include mobile operating systems and environments for building mobile apps. They also include cloud platforms for building mobile backends that provide services to mobile apps. This may include specialized APIs that are useful for mobile app developers in areas such as location services and voice recognition.Web Platforms
Platforms that provide services that are useful to websites and web-based software as a service such as web servers, web application servers, content delivery networks and edge computing.Content Management Systems
Platforms for publishing and managing content, media and documents. These are often used internally in organizations as an intranet site and document management system. They are also commonly used to publish web content such as a newspaper, blog or corporate website.Media Platforms
Platforms for media publishing and analysis with tools such as video transcoding, streaming and recognition.API Platforms
Cloud platforms for deploying APIs that are typically built around an API gateway that performs functions such as load balancing, latency reduction and rate limiting.Analytics
Services for capturing, processing, analyzing and visualizing data. This may include tools for ingesting, processing, querying and managing big data.Security
Security services such as firewalls, identity & access management, directory services, certificates, compliance reporting, encryption, key management and threat detection.Robotics
Robotics platforms may include an operating system for robots with a framework for developing and deploying backend systems and services for robots on cloud infrastructure.Internet of Things
Internet of things platforms may include an operating system for devices and a cloud platform with specialized APIs for internet of things in areas such as device management, IoT security and analytics.AI Platforms
Services that are based on AI such as a voice synthesis service and tools for building your own AI such as a machine learning API. This may also include environments for running your AI that are optimized for machine learning such as a machine learning database.Game Platforms
Environments that are optimized for running game services such as backends for mobile games or massively multiplayer online games. These may include services such as 3D game engines, AR and VR APIs.Summary

Platforms give you everything you need to develop, deploy and manage applications, systems and other digital services such as media.
Overview: Technology Platform | ||
Type | ||
Definition | An environment for building and operating applications, systems and processes. | |
Related Concepts |