All (166)
Student Career Goals (35)
Entrepreneurial Goals (15)
Professional Goals (28)
Career Advancement (18)
Career Change (20)
Working Conditions (26)
Professional Development (27)
Achieve professional recognition. | Adapt existing skills to a new industry or profession. |
Advance to an executive position. | Attend career fairs. |
Attend networking events. | Be identified as a leader by formal succession planning processes. |
Become a subject-matter expert. | Become more vocal in meetings. |
Become well known in your industry. | Becoming a mentor. |
Build a high-performing team. | Build a portfolio. |
Build a professional network. | Build a professional resume. |
Build better processes. | Build connections in online profiles. |
Build customer relationships. | Build relationships with key people inside your organization. |
Building important partnerships and alliances. | Change industries. |
Change professions. | Change to a new role without a promotion. |
Complete an apprenticeship. | Complete important research in your field. |
Deliver an important project. | Develop a strong work ethic. |
Develop professional skills. | Develop valuable partnerships. |
Diversify revenue streams. | Downshift to a job with less responsibility. |
Earn awards and recognition within your organization. | Earn high performance reviews. |
Earn professional certifications. | Expand customer base. |
Expand technical skills. | Experiment with new business ideas. |
Find a job with better benefits. | Find a mentor. |
Find an internship. | Find more meaningful and fulfilling work. |
Finish college. | Gain experience in a new profession or industry. |
Gain experience managing projects. | Gain experience through volunteering. |
Gain experience with public speaking. | Gain recognition in your industry. |
Gaining acceptance into a leadership development program. | Gaining more influence over strategy and decision making. |
Gaining recognition through media appearances. | Gaining visibility by presenting in internal meetings. |
Get a degree. | Get a job in a convenient location. |
Get a job in a firm that offers many perks. | Get a job in a firm with a positive culture. |
Get a job in a particular industry. | Get a job with a short commute. |
Get a job with more advancement opportunities. | Get a large bonus or commission. |
Get a permanent, salaried position. | Get a promotion. |
Get a raise. | Get certified in a trade or profession. |
Get experience managing people. | Get experience with emerging technologies. |
Get good grades in order to improve potential job offers.. | Get hands-on experience. |
Get into a college. | Get into a community college program. |
Get recommendations from professors. | Get work experience in a profession or industry. |
Get your first professional job. | Grow revenue. |
Grow your role by taking on new responsibilities. | Grow your team with new hires. |
Improve job security. | Improve product quality. |
Improve soft skills such as communication. | Improve things for customers. |
Increase brand awareness. | Increase customer satisfaction. |
Increase productivity. | Increase repeat business. |
Increase your visibility in your organization. | Join a professional association. |
Join committees and working groups. | Land a full-time job in your field. |
Launch a product. | Launch a side hustle. |
Lead cross-functional initiatives. | Learn about different professions and industries. |
Learn marketable skills. | Learn to estimate tasks accurately. |
Manage time better. | Master basic skills for a job. |
Move into a less competitive or political role. | Move into a management position. |
Move into a role that qualifies for bonuses and commissions. | Move to a flexible work schedule. |
Move to a safer profession or role. | Moving into an advisory role. |
Negotiate a modified job description to improve your job satisfaction. | Obtain more paid time off. |
Obtain professional qualifications. | Outcompete a competitor. |
Participate in cross-training to learn different areas of your business. | Participate in industry events. |
Perform research into a topic. | Propose strategies and projects. |
Publish research and gain citations. | Pursue advanced degrees such as a Master’s degree. |
Pursue further education. | Pursue job enlargement or enrichment. |
Pursue professional training opportunities. | Reach a key performance target. |
Reduce business travel. | Reduce costs. |
Reduce job stress. | Reduce overtime hours. |
Relocate with a new job. | Relocate within the same organization. |
Research industry topics. | Resolve workplace conflicts. |
Retire early. | Return to the workforce. |
Role simplification or streamlining. | Secure a contract with a major client. |
Secure a part-time job related to an industry. | Secure educational credentials. |
Secure loyal customers. | Secure more autonomy in your role. |
Seek board-level roles. | Shift to a new department in your organization. |
Solve business problems. | Start a business. |
Start a career in a particular profession. | Start a second career. |
Start a small business. | Start freelancing or consulting. |
Stay punctual and reliable. | Stay up to date with industry trends. |
Strengthen relationships with key clients. | Strengthen your professional reputation. |
Take a sabbatical. | Take an unpaid leave. |
Take on a leadership role in team projects. | Take on a role with more opportunities for business travel. |
Take on freelance work to build experience. | Take on high value action items. |
Take on high-profile or high-impact projects. | Take on more hours. |
Take on more important clients. | Take online courses. |
Take ownership of key processes. | Test product ideas in the market. |
Transition from employment to running your own business. | Transition to a different shift or work schedule. |
Transition to a higher-paying job. | Transition to a low stress role. |
Transition to a new role. | Transition to a part-time role. |
Update your resume and online profiles. | Work a compressed workweek. |
Work abroad. | Work for a reputable company in an industry. |
Work for a specific company. | Work remotely. |