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Languages skills are talents, experiences and knowledge that allow an individual to communicate. This includes skills in a native language and second languages. In a native language, the core language skills are reading, writing, speaking and listening. A second language is far more difficult to learn such that things that are automatically learned in a native language can be a challenge. This includes grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and idioms. The following are common language skills.
Dialects | Editing | Formal Communication | Grammar | Humor | Idioms | Informal Communication | Interpretation | Language Acquisition | Language Expression | Listening Comprehension | Literacy | Pronunciation | Public Speaking | Reading Comprehension | Second Languages | Signing | Speaking | Spelling | Storytelling | Translation | Vocabulary | Writing |
Language Skills
This is the complete list of articles we have written about language skills.
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A guide to language.
The common characteristics of language.
The common types of figurative language.
The common types of literary device explained with examples.
The definition of abstract noun with examples.
The definition of concept with examples.
A list of transition words.
The difference between then and than with examples.
The difference between their, there and they're explained with examples.
The difference between accept and except explained with examples.
The difference between affect and effect with examples.
The difference between affective and effective with examples.
The definition of grammar with examples of correct and incorrect English grammar.
The basic types of definition with examples.
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