Action plans – planning small work items | Adoption of industry and professional standards |
Appreciative inquiry – looking at what is working and scaling it | Approval processes to handle exceptions |
Attracting and retaining high performers | Automating work |
Benchmarking performance against best known results | Building support for change |
Business as usual – keeping processes going through disruption | Business experiments |
Change management – selling and pushing through change | Collaborating with other teams to align work |
Contingency approach – adapting management style to the situation | Continuous improvement |
Continuous learning | Cost discipline |
Creating a culture of ownership | Creating a culture that works from the customer backwards |
Creating a sense of urgency around change | Creating high visibility for team and its successes across organization |
Critical mass – scaling things up to the point that they are efficient | Cross-functional teams |
Data-driven decision making | Designing-out errors, problems and inefficiency |
Designing-out human error | Division of labor – breaking work into specialized tasks |
Eliminating bottlenecks and removing constraints | Eliminating waste |
Employee feedback and recognition | Establishing principles and values |
Fail fast – testing things in a way that is fast, cheap and safe | Fixing problems at scale |
Gap analysis – continually evaluating processes, culture and capabilities to address gaps | Giving power and authority to agents of change |
Goal alignment – mapping all goals to strategy | Heijunka – a sustainable pace of work as opposed to peaks and valleys |
Insourcing for competitive advantage | Internal controls such as checklists |
Jidoka – responsible stewardship over automation | Job crafting – allow employees to shape their own roles |
Job descriptions – standard initial roles | Job enlargement – allowing employees to grow within a job |
Job enrichment – designing jobs to be interesting and flexible | Job rotation |
Knowledge management – capturing, sustaining and using knowledge | Last responsible moment – deferring planning and decisions until they are actually required |
Leading your industry by far exceeding standards | Least privilege – granting just enough authority to do work |
Making timely decisions despite ambiguity | Manage stakeholder expectations by communicating what is out of scope |
Manage stakeholder relationships | Management by exception – clearing issues |
Management by walking around – being hands-on and knowing what’s going on at all times | Managing low performance |
Managing team conflict and handling unethical behavior | Measuring and reporting key performance indicators |
Minimum viable product – getting things to the customer and improving them in the real world | Not repeating team and organizational mistakes |
Outsourcing non-core functions | Pareto principle – discouraging perfectionism with Pareto analysis |
Partner scorecards and performance management | Process improvement |
Process optimization – improve, test & repeat | Process reengineering – reinventing processes |
Provide paths for career growth, advancement and career change | Providing comprehensive onboarding, knowledge artifacts and training |
Psychological safety - a culture of sharing brave ideas and taking risks without fear | Quality assurance – end-to-end quality starting with design |
Quality control – testing conformance quality | Reducing IT inefficiencies such as low data quality |
Restructuring, retrenchment and reorganization | Results-only work environment – a free work environment where employees are measured by outcomes such as revenue |
Risk management – identifying and treating risk | Roadmaps – a long term plan |
Safety first – prioritizing health and safety above all else | Segregation of duties – designing roles not to have too much power |
Self-managed teams – allowing teams to self-organize | Setting clear direction |
Setting clear priorities | Setting clear timelines and budget |
Setting expectations for work quality | Setting goals with every member of your team |
Setting high standards and expectations | Sharing and scaling what works |
Ship often – regularly getting improvements out to customers | Sidelining resistance to change |
Simplifying work processes and administration | Solving the root cause of problems |
Standard operating procedures | Standard timeframes – standardizing time expectations |
Streamline processes | Stretch targets to encourage career development |
Team morale and comradery | Trust and verify – empowering employees to do work as they please but verifying results |
Visual problems – designing processes and reporting to quickly highlight problems |