Challenging your beliefs about yourself that might be limiting you. | Being curious and losing yourself in research. |
Having the confidence to use your understanding of things without deferring to others. | Being open and humble to recognize what you don’t know. |
Asking questions. | Not engaging in pointless activities that waste time and energies. |
Taking small everyday risks such as introducing yourself. | Face fears such as public speaking. |
View time as precious and life as urgent. | Blocking time for sleep and well-being. |
Blocking quality time with family, friends and with yourself. | Not focusing on end-goals but rather living with intentions. |
Regular exercise, recreation and sport. | Pursuit of hobbies. |
Pursuit of creative expression such as writing or art. | Appreciative inquiry – looking at what’s working in your life and doing more of that rather than focusing on problems. |
Cultivating imaginative aspects of life such as dreaming and day dreaming. | Healthy eating |
Home cooked meals | Reading |
Educational media such as podcasts. | Volunteer work |
Taking on roles and responsibilities. | Becoming someone that others relies upon. |
Taking accountability for problems, failures and risks. | Dealing with problems in a realistic way. |
Establishing productive habits. | Cultivating many modes of thinking that are appropriate to different situations. |
Retaining a youthful sense of joy and playfulness. | Monitoring your thoughts and trying to direct them in positive ways. |
Growing your courage and doing increasingly brave things. | Recognizing where you are stuck and working to free yourself. |
Sticking to things and seeing them through to the end – where this makes sense. | Being careful with purchases |
Living below your income – if this is possible. | Saving money |
Trying to see the good in others. | Supporting others and building them up. |
Setting high standards for yourself. | Pursuing diligence and work-ethic. |
Experimenting and testing ideas. | Trying to be surprisingly resilient to disappointment, stress and criticism. |
Stepping in to lead where there is a need. | Cooperating, supporting and following leaders where this makes sense. |
Finding others, potentially including historical people, who you admire as a role model. | Pursuing epic experience .. even if this is something like listening to music that happens at home. |
Being nice even where there would be no repercussions if you weren’t. |