Attendance monitoring | Awards and recognition programs |
Benefits administration | Candidate screening |
Competancy management – making sure an organization has the talent required to achieve its goals | Compliance audits |
Compliance management – including HR and procurement related compliance | Conflict resolution |
Contract negotiations | Employee assistance |
Employee development | Employee engagement |
Employee handbook | Employee referrals |
Employer branding | Goal setting |
Incentive programs | Job descriptions |
Leadership development | Leave management |
Managing low performance | Onboarding |
Payroll | Performance feedback |
Performance incentives | Performance management |
Policy enforcement | Procurement of consulting and business services |
Productivity analysis | Promotions |
Recruiting | Resource allocation |
Salary negotiations | Schedule management |
Shift management | Skill assessments |
Succession planning | Supervision |
Supplier performance management | Talent retention |
Team building | Team management |
Time tracking | Training programs |
Vendor management | Work policies |
Workforce analysis | Workforce communication |
Workforce reporting | Workplace safety |