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Performance Goals

35 Examples of a Performance Outcome

Performance outcomes are the real world results of work performance. This is often beyond an employee's control such that most employees are evaluated against objectives as opposed to outcomes. This being said, executives and top level managers may be evaluated against business performance. Likewise, some professionals such as salespeople are often evaluated against real world results despite how well they may perform. The following are common examples of performance outcomes in business.
Cost reduction
Customer satisfaction ratings
Quality levels such as defect rate
Productivity such as billable hours
Efficiency such as resource utilization rate
Compliance achievement
Sales win rate
Gross and net margins
Return on investment
Market share
Brand recognition
Turnaround time such as order fulfillment time
On-time delivery rates
Error rate such as the percentage of bills with an error
Incident rate such as the number of information security incidents
Downtime & availability of a service
Reputation such as product ratings
Customer loyalty such as the average number of purchases in a month
User adoption rates
Customer wait times
Customer acquisition cost
Customer lifetime value
Business volumes such as visits to a location
Conversion rate
Customer retention rates
Net promoter scores
Reduced customer complaints
Reduced risk exposure
Inventory turnover rate
Increased accuracy such as sales forecasting accuracy
Reduced employee turnover
Increased employee satisfaction
Reduced unit cost
Reduced overhead cost
Objectives are things that you deliver such as a presentation.
Performance is how well you do things such as a salesperson who gives a professional, clear and informative presentation to clients.
Outcomes are real world results such as the revenue from closing a sale.

Performance Goals

This is the complete list of articles we have written about performance goals.
Business Goals
Company Goals
Customer Service Goals
Individual Goals
Performance Appraisals
Performance Feedback
Performance Goals
Performance Goals II
Performance Issues
Performance Objectives
Performance Outcome
Performance Reviews
Sales Goals
Smart Goals
Smart Objectives
Team Goals
Work Goals
Work Goals List
Work Quality
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