Achieving high performance | Advancing in your profession |
Advancing to executive management | Advancing to management |
Building professional credibility and reputation | Business goals such as gaining market share for a product |
Career change | Career growth |
Closing sales and generating revenue | Collaboration goals such as working more closely with other teams |
Communication goals such as public speaking | Continuing to learn and develop |
Demonstrating leadership | Earning awards and recognition |
Entering a profession | Entrepreneurial ventures |
Ethical goals such as doing good for people and planet | Finding better work-life balance |
Increasing productivity and making better use of time | Inventing things |
Mastering a talent | Owning a business |
Pay increases and bonuses | Pursuit of a business mission and vision |
Research discoveries and progress | Scaling a startup |
Shifting towards creative work | Sustaining high performance over time |
Taking on high value work | Taking on more responsibility |
Turning around a business | Turning around poor performance |
As a student, you need not specify specific career goals as your future is still wide open with time to progress in a direction and feel things out.I'm interested in medicine and plan to major in biology and take some pre-med courses in university. I'm not sure exactly what career path I will take -- whether it would be related to research or treating patients.
Job Interview
In the context of a job interview, the interviewer may be looking for someone ambitious who is raging towards an executive role. However, it is perhaps more likely that they prefer candidates who are interested in the job being offered. As such, stating highly realistic aspirations that are completely related to the position is a reasonable path.Firstly, I'd like to establish myself in this role and work to closely with business to make systems and processes more efficient. In the long run, I'd like to take on more of a leadership role in the team by taking on project and operational responsibilities.
Career Development
If your manager or human resources team asks you for your career aspirations, this is a chance to push for what you really want whether this be a promotion, more challenging work assignments or greater work-life balance. Ask for something specific.Well, as you know I've been taking on more of a leadership role in the team on the ___ project and ___ project with the hopes that I will be given the opportunity to progress to management. What do I need to do to make this happen?
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