Media Consumption
The relatively passive process of watching, reading or browsing media.Watching television | Going to the movies |
Reading social media | Streaming a television series |
Listening to podcasts | Watching a documentary |
Reading a book | Flipping through a magazine |
Listening to the radio | Reading newspapers |
Reading comics | Reading blogs |
Watching videos | Listening to music |
Looking at photographs | Watching sports |
Browsing webpages |
Media Participation
The active process of communicating, creating and engaging with media.Posting to social media | Online debate and discussions |
Podcasting | Blogging |
Vlogging | Live streaming |
Direct messages | Sending emails |
Socializing online | Chatting |
Posting to forums | Ratings and reviews |
Surveys | Playing video games |
Exploring virtual reality | Immersive experiences |
Being interviewed by media | Posting comments |
Calling-in to a radio show | Collaborative work online |
Posting creative work such as digital art | Performing or composing music |
Attending virtual events |