Live abroad. | Travel somewhere. |
Change your career. | Pursue education. |
Get a promotion at work. | Earn a large bonus or commission. |
Physical fitness goals such as running a marathon. | Make friends. |
Sustain friendships and keep in touch. | Save money. |
Buy a home. | Reduce spending |
Learn a language. | Immerse yourself in a culture. |
Go to concerts and events. | Organize events such as parties. |
Pursue a hobby. | Master a talent. |
Learn a musical instrument. | Compose or perform music. |
Participate in a festival or cultural event. | Volunteer in your community. |
Discover spiritual pursuits such as meditation. | Learn to cook new dishes and cuisines. |
Prioritize family meals and quality time. | Establish yourself in a profession. |
Start a business. | Do more with less time at work. |
Network and build relationships. | Gain public speaking experience. |
Create art. | Craft something. |
Start a diy project. | Acquire or improve a skill. |
Complete a home renovation project. | Take less risks. |
Take more calculated risks. | Shake up your routine. |
Discontinue a bad habit. | Start a family. |
Join a sports team. | Reflect on each day. |
Become more disciplined. | Live a cultured life. |
Improve your lifestyle. | Pursue epic experience. |
Develop a character trait such as confidence. | Take up a martial art. |
Pursue professional accomplishment. | Earn respect in your profession. |
Pursue wealth. | Earn awards and recognition. |
Pursue fame and social status. | Adopt a pet. |
Start a garden. | Pursue self-sufficiency and simple living. |
Develop thinking skills such as creative thinking. | Improve your performance in a sport. |
Solve a problem. | Make a decision. |
Generally make better decisions. | Retain a sense of playfulness and adventure. |
Do good. | Be the bigger person in arguments and conflict. |
Be kind even when it’s difficult. | Pursue your sense of style. |
Pursue your sense of humor. | Be honest and candid without being hurtful. |
Be yourself even if it means not fitting in. | Stop trying to impress others. |
Live with authentic purpose. | Stop living in the past. |
Stop thinking in negative ways. | Write a journal. |
Read more. | Change something at work. |
Change something in your community. | Practice forgiveness, gratitude and humility. |
Try to see others in a positive light. | Take time for important leisure such as listening to music. |
Spend time in nature. | Live each season in a different way. |
Pay attention to each moment. | Live with a sense of humor. |
Recover quickly from failure and disappointment. | Forge grit and determination in yourself. |
Be more friendly and open to people. | Try to be less quick to judge others. |
Try to enjoy the journey including things that you perceive as being problems. | Focus on what you can control and don’t sweat anything that’s beyond your control. |