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26 Examples of Marketing Planning

Marketing planning is the end-to-end process of planning to sell products and services. This includes market research and strategies in areas such as brand, product, promotion, pricing, distribution, customer experience and sales. The following are the common examples of marketing planning.
Market research
Market trends
Competitive analysis
Customer needs
Customer perceptions
Situation analysis
Marketing goals and objectives
Marketing metrics, KPIs and reporting
Target market
Product planning
Product positioning
Product development
Go-to-market strategy
Value proposition
Brand strategy
Marketing strategy
Promotion strategy
Advertising strategy
Pricing strategy
Distribution strategy
Customer experience strategy
Sales strategy
Budget planning
Marketing campaign planning
Marketing calendar
Marketing technology strategy
Marketing planning for a new business may be included into a business plan.
Small businesses may not have all of the elements of marketing plan mentioned above. For example, many businesses view marketing mostly as a process of promotion and conversion.
Next: Marketing Strategy
More about marketing planning:
Distribution Strategy
Market Research
Marketing Objectives
Marketing Plan
Marketing Strategy
Pricing Strategy
Promotion Strategy
Sales Strategy
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