Activist Brand / Conscious Brand - a brand strongly aligns to a cause | Affordable Luxury - a relative cheap product or brand associated with a luxury brand |
Aspirational Brand - a brand that people are more likely to buy as their income rises | Branded House - a number of brands under a single parent brand |
Celebrities - the image of a celebrity resembles a brand | Certification Mark - branding a standard such as a certification for organic food |
Corporate Brand - often distinct from products | Employer Brand - awareness and image of a firm in the minds of job seekers |
Endorsed Brands - using a parent brand to endorse a child brand | Event Brand - a branded event such as a concert |
Experience Brand - sells an experience e.g. streaming media | Family Brand - the use of a parent brand on multiple distinct brand names |
Generic Brand - a "no" brand product or service that is nonetheless a brand | Ingredient Brand - a branded ingredient in other products |
Innovative Brand - differentiated by cutting-edge features and functions | Investment Branding - branding directed at investors |
Lifestyle Brand - aligns to a way of life | Luxury Brand - a brand that offers social status and/or premium quality |
Niche Brand | Non-profit Brand / NGO |
Personal Brand | Product Brand |
Public Brand - a brand owned by a government | Service Brand |
Style Brand - differentiated by a consistent style in products | Umbrella Brand - a brand used for multiple products and services |
Value Brand |