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27 Types Of Brand

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A brand is the use of a name and visual identity to establish a reputation in a market. Anything that can have a reputation can be managed with branding techniques. This includes governments, cities, organizations, departments, teams, projects, products, services and people. The following are common types of brand.
Activist Brand / Conscious Brand - a brand strongly aligns to a cause
Affordable Luxury - a relative cheap product or brand associated with a luxury brand
Aspirational Brand - a brand that people are more likely to buy as their income rises
Branded House - a number of brands under a single parent brand
Celebrities - the image of a celebrity resembles a brand
Certification Mark - branding a standard such as a certification for organic food
Corporate Brand - often distinct from products
Employer Brand - awareness and image of a firm in the minds of job seekers
Endorsed Brands - using a parent brand to endorse a child brand
Event Brand - a branded event such as a concert
Experience Brand - sells an experience e.g. streaming media
Family Brand - the use of a parent brand on multiple distinct brand names
Generic Brand - a "no" brand product or service that is nonetheless a brand
Ingredient Brand - a branded ingredient in other products
Innovative Brand - differentiated by cutting-edge features and functions
Investment Branding - branding directed at investors
Lifestyle Brand - aligns to a way of life
Luxury Brand - a brand that offers social status and/or premium quality
Niche Brand
Non-profit Brand / NGO
Personal Brand
Product Brand
Public Brand - a brand owned by a government
Service Brand
Style Brand - differentiated by a consistent style in products
Umbrella Brand - a brand used for multiple products and services
Value Brand


This is the complete list of articles we have written about branding.
Bliss Point
Brand Advocate
Brand Analysis
Brand Architecture
Brand Aversion
Brand Attributes
Brand Concept
Brand Authenticity
Brand Culture
Brand Awareness
Brand Equity
Brand Diffusion
Brand Family
Brand Identity
Brand Experience
Brand Image
Brand Extension
Brand Legacy
Brand Loyalty
Brand Guidelines
Brand Metrics
Brand Mission
Brand Positioning
Brand Insistence
Brand Promise
Brand Quality
Brand Management
Brand Recall
Brand Risk
Brand Objectives
Brand Status
Brand Perception
Brand Strategy
Brand Personality
Brand Values
Brand Vision
Brand Voice
Branding Guide
Brand Recognition
Captive Brand
Brand Reputation
Generic Brand
Brand Strategy
Household Name
Brand Switching
Brand Value
No-brand Brand
Certification Marks
Product Line
Top Of Mind
Types Of Brand
Umbrella Brand
Demand Generation
White Label
Designer Label
Ingredient Branding
Internal Branding
Lifestyle Brand
Moment Of Truth
Price Strategy
Product Design
Product Quality
Product Strategy
Promotion Strategy
Recognition Rate
Visual Branding
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