Access to services such as a airport lounge | Cashback rewards |
Complimentary upgrades | Consultations or advice |
Coupons and promo codes | Discounts on purchases |
Donation to a charity | Early access to new products |
Early access to sales | Event access |
Exclusive offers | Expedited delivery |
Extended warranties or return policies | Free customization |
Free gift wrapping | Free installation |
Free samples | Free shipping and delivery |
Free support services | Free training |
Free trials | Free upgrades |
Gamification elements such as achieving levels or badges | Gift cards |
Gifts | Increased program status |
Increased support levels | Loyalty reward programs |
Personal attention e.g. a dedicated representative the customer can contact at any time | Premium versions of products and services e.g. upgrade to first class seat |
Priority service e.g. a special counter for high status loyalty members | Rebates and mail-in offers |
Redeemable points | Referral programs |
Refund guarantees | Trade-in programs |
Upgraded service levels e.g. higher storage limits for a cloud service |