Flexibility | Control |
Setting your work schedule | Theoretically unlimited earning potential |
Following a passion | Pursuit of professional and personal growth |
Autonomy | Lack of bureaucracy |
Potential for long-term financial stability | Creating jobs |
Creating value | Contributing to the local economy |
Creating unique products and services | Changing the world |
Doing good | The chance to learn about business and your industry |
Creative expression | Opportunities to challenge yourself |
Potential tax planning benefits | Building an asset |
Potential to sell the business | Potential for networking and building relationships |
Taking on responsibility | Earning credibility |
Potential for expansion and growth | Potential for passive income |
Potential for residual income | Potential for work-life balance |
Working in an aesthetically pleasing location | Ability to work from home |
Working from your preferred location | Ability to shape the culture of your firm |
Developing talents and skills | Not having a boss / being your own boss |
Building character and grit by facing challenges | Learning from failure |
Pursuing your vision of the future | Creating a legacy |
Developing the talents and potential of others | Opportunities to give back to your community |