A shared sense of purpose | Achieving high-pressure deadlines |
Adapting to external change as a team | Atmosphere of mutual respect or lack thereof |
Becoming more competitive as a team | Celebrating successes |
Challenging projects | Creativity and experimentation processes |
Cross-functional teamwork with other teams | Cross-training and skill sharing |
Ethical climate | Helping each other solve problems |
Helping each other to deal with stress such as customer complaints | How your team reacts to brave ideas |
Inclusion and exclusion | Intensive periods of teamwork |
Learning from failure | Making it through a crisis as a team |
Mentorship and guidance | Meritocracy versus promotions based on seniority or identity |
Overcoming issues and obstacles | Participating in conferences and other professional events |
Periods of cost cutting and increased efficiency | Periods of fast growth and rapid change |
Political battles with other teams | Political climate on team |
Resolving team conflicts | Rites of passage such as a retirement party |
Sense of belonging | Sense of comradery and esprit de corps |
Sense of shared team identity | Sharing information |
Social meals and other regular social opportunities | Solving problems as a team |
Support during challenging times | Support for initiative and risk taking |
Team building experiences | Team habits such as team meetings |
Team habits, norms and expectations | Team traditions |
The process of building credibility on team | Usability of technology and tools |