Action item turnaround time | Advocating for the customer across organization |
Better communication with stakeholders | Better recruiting and candidate selection practices |
Better relationships with customers | Better relationships with partners |
Break large projects into small monthly sprints | Building team comradery |
Challenge teams that are non-cooperative | Challenge teams that duplicate our work |
Challenging the status quo | Cost reduction |
Culture of learning daily | Culture of self-direction and initiative |
Develop a ship-often culture | Develop alliances |
Develop leadership from within team | Establishing greater expectations for performance |
Establishing more productive habits and norms | Expand role in organization |
Faster decisions | Faster delivery |
Greater attention to deal | Greater organizational visibility |
Greater role specialization | Improve partner performance |
Improved customer service | Improved training |
Improved working conditions | Increase team performance |
Increase team productivity | Less socialization of decisions, problem solving and work |
Less talk more action | Leverage team strengths |
More accurate estimates | More accurate forecasting |
More candid, direct and timely feedback | More cross-functional initiatives |
More flexible roles | More knowledge sharing |
More mature project management capabilities | More positive team politics |
More productive meetings | More role clarity |
More support of each other to develop talent in the team | More time for individual productivity |
More with less | Openly offering brave ideas without fear of criticism |
Originating efficiency and cost cutting efforts | Originating organizational improvements and change |
Originating revenue opportunities | Prioritizing high value work |
Proper management of change requests and scope creep | Proper management of risk |
Public speaking and presentations to sell value of team | Recognize failure to get back to valuable work |
Reduce workload to sustainable pace | Reducing employee turnover |
Reducing mistakes and errors | Restructuring responsibilities |
Saying no to stakeholders who propose unrealistic and low value work | Sidelining time-wasting activities, administrative processes, training and work |
Simplified administrative tasks | Stakeholder perceptions |
Streamlined communications | Streamlined processes |
Streamlined tasks | Taking more calculated risks |
Taking ownership | Toughness and grit |
Treating each other with respect | Winning a higher value mandate |
Work quality | Working more closely with other teams and business units |