Burnout | Employees fearful to offer creative ideas |
Excessive staffing | Excessive workload |
Failure to deliver to commitments | Failure to manage stakeholder expectations |
Favoritism | Fear of criticism |
Frequent distractions | Group decisions with no clear accountability |
Hands-off attitudes | High turnover |
Inadequate training | Inappropriate secrecy and lack of candor |
Inconsistent management expectations | Inconsistent performance |
Ineffective feedback processes | Ineffective problem-solving |
Inefficient group decision-making processes | Inefficient meetings |
Insufficient onboarding | Insufficient resources |
Interpersonal conflict | Lack of accountability |
Lack of authority to do work | Lack of autonomy |
Lack of commitment | Lack of cooperation |
Lack of cross-functional collaboration with other teams | Lack of feedback |
Lack of ownership | Lack of politeness and respect |
Lack of processes | Lack of recognition |
Lack of standards | Lack of training |
Lack of transparency | Lack of trust |
Low comradery and team spirit | Low motivation |
Low productivity | Low professionalism |
Management disconnect | Mediocrity and complacency |
Negative attitudes | Negative politics |
One-upmanship | Poor service culture |
Poor communication | Poor position relative to other teams |
Poor stakeholder relationships | Resistance to change |
Resistance to feedback | Role ambiguity |
Role overlap | Skill gaps |
Slow decision making | Taking on low value work |
Team narcissism | Too much or too little work-from-home |
Unclear decision-making authority | Unclear goals |
Unequal workload | Unfair or inadequate performance evaluations |
Unfair or inadequate performance feedback | Unstated assumptions |
Unusable and inefficient technology | Wasting time and poor time management practices |