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60 Examples of Performance Metrics

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Performance metrics are indicators of the value produced by a business, program, team or individual. The following are common examples.
Absenteeism rate
Average handle time
Budget variance
Call abandonment rate
Conversion rate
Cost per ___
Cost reduction
Cross-sell rate
Customer acquisition cost
Customer churn rate
Customer complaints
Customer effort score
Customer loyalty
Customer retention rate
Customer reviews
Customer satisfaction
Defect density
Defect rate
Employee satisfaction
Employee turnover rate
Error rate
Escalation rate
First contact resolution
First response time
Goal achievement
Gross margins
Incident rate
Incident resolution time
Incident response time
Inventory turnover
Net profit margin
Net promoter score
Non-conformance rate
On-time delivery
Output per hour
Productivity rate
Project success rate
Reject rate
Reliability rate
Resolution rate
Resource efficiency
Response time
Return on assets
Return on investment
Process cycle time
Revenue growth
Revenue per employee
Schedule variance
Scrap rate
Service level adherence
Service usage
Stakeholder satisfaction
Time spent on ___
Upselling rate
Utilization rate
Win rate
Work accuracy
Work quality

Return on Capital Employed

The ratio of profits to the total amount of capital invested to achieve those profits. A fundamental indicator of the performance of a firm.

Revenue Per Employee

The total revenue of a firm divided by the number of employees. A basic indicator of productivity. Often used as a benchmark to see if you are over or under staffed as compared to other firms in your industry.

Cost Effectiveness

The cost per outcome achieved by an organization. For example, a non-profit organization that seeks to reduce microplastics in the ocean may calculate the cost per ton of reduction for both prevention and clean up programs.


The amount of output per hour of work. A basic measure of employee performance. For example, a software development team might measure story points per month per developer.


The amount of output per unit of input. For example, a farm that measures the number of apples produced per acre of land.


The amount of waste per unit of output. For example, a supermarket that tracks the percentage of food products that expire before being sold.

Turnaround Time

The average time it takes to compete an activity. For example, the time it takes to resolve customer inquiries.


Volume metrics such as the number of sales deals closed in a month per sales person.


Quality metrics such as customer perceptions of your brand.

Budget Variance

The amount that you are over or under budget. Expressed as a percentage of the budget.

Schedule Variance

The amount that you are late or early to deliver to commitments. Expressed as a percentage of total scheduled time.

Defect Density

The number of defects per output. For example, software development teams may measure defects per thousand lines of code and factories may measure defects per thousand units.

Customer Satisfaction

Measuring performance from the customer perspective by asking them how satisfied they are with products or services. A common way to measure the performance of frontline employees.

Return on Investment

The contributions to profits generated by an investment such as a project or business purchase. Expressed as a percentage of the investment.

New Revenue Rate

The percentage of your revenue that is generated by new products. A way to measure innovation and expenditure on research & development. Requires a definition of "new product" that differs by industry.


The following are common performance metrics for businesses, teams and employees.


Performance metrics are standard measurements of the value created by a business, team, partner or employee.
Next: Performance Goals
More about employee performance:
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Business Performance
Employee Feedback
Employee Issues
Employee Outcomes
High Performance
Improvement Plan
Improvement Process
Performance Appraisals
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Professional Improvement
Work Achievements
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