Inability to measure ROI for marketing initiatives | Low traffic |
Brand lacks emotional appeal | Business model disrupted by new technology |
Business model disrupted by social or cultural change | Customer attrition due to price competition |
Customer attrition due to quality issues | Customer experience shortfalls such as poor packaging |
Customers don't recognize your value proposition | Customer service issues |
Customers pausing purchases due to upcoming product releases | Directly competing with stronger brands without a unique selling proposition that resonates with customers |
Discounts have resulted in a loss of brand status | Inability to close sales |
Inability to generate publicity to promote products | Inability to test offers |
Inability to test prices | Inadequate advertising |
Inconsistent customer experience resulting in few loyal customers | Increased costs that force you to increase prices resulting in declining sales |
Ineffective advertising channels or partners | Ineffective partner incentives |
Ineffective price promotions | Ineffective sales incentives |
Ineffective social media marketing | Ineffective targeting of advertising and promotions |
Intensive price competition | Lack of consistency across channels |
Lack of product bundling, upselling and cross-selling | Lack of product information and support |
Limited distribution channels | Limited total addressable market |
Loss of channel partners | Low conversion rates |
Low response to promotional efforts | Low performance of partners |
Low quality leads | Low quality traffic |
Low stock or operational inability to meet demand | Negative customer perceptions |
Negative publicity | New products that fail to generate demand |
No brand recognition | No differentiation in pricing strategy |
No realistic plan to increase customer loyalty | Overpricing that results in revenue declines |
Poor branding e.g. visual branding that's unremarkable | Poor data quality or ineffective systems |
Poor inventory management | Poor order fulfillment that causes customer dissatisfaction |
Poor rankings and reviews | Poor sales |
Product quality or usability issues | Products / brand lack a clear target market |
Products serve no clear customer need | Sales teams with limited product knowledge |
Unclear or unhelpful product descriptions | Underpricing that results in poor margins |
Understanding why offers aren't working | Failure to adapt promotions and products for success in foreign markets. |