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Qualitative is a term for information that results from human observation and analysis. The term quantitative denotes information that can be directly measured with numbers.Qualitative ExampleA movie review is a good example of qualitative information. A review may discuss aesthetics, emotions, structure, culture, technique and character development. These are all concepts that are difficult to put into a number. The review may also include a numerical rating of the movie. Although this is a number, it is still considered qualitative because it results from human judgement.
Quantitative ExampleQuantitative information includes things like dollar amounts and physical measurements. The quantitative information about a movie includes its budget, running time and release date. |
Type | | Qualitative Definition | Information that results from human observation and analysis. | Quantitative Definition | Information that is directly measured as a number. | Related Concepts | |
Business Metrics
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An reasonably comprehensive list of metrics.
A list of common ways to measure marketing results.
A list of commonly used IT metrics.
How to measure innovation including early stage, late stage and overall program metrics.
The difference between a metric and a measurement.
A definition of best in class with examples.
The common types of data-driven business.
A definition of cycle time with examples.
How to calculate labor productivity with examples.
A definition of cost effectiveness with example calculations.
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A list of interesting business theories.
A definition of knowledge work with examples.
A list of social processes, absurdities and strategies related to office politics.
A guide to product development.
The differences between types of knowledge.
An overview of the trough of sorrow.
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