Business cycles | Cash position |
Competition | Competition laws |
Competitive advantages | Competitive disadvantages |
Consumer behavior | Contracts |
Corporate culture | Costs |
Customer expectations | Customer needs |
Customer perceptions | Customer preferences |
Customer relationships | Cybersecurity vulnerabilities & threats |
Demand for products & services | Demographic change |
Economic conditions | Employees |
Environment problems | Exchange rates |
Funding availability | Industry disruption |
Industry trends | Inflation |
Interest rates & cost of capital | Internal capabilities |
Internal issues & inefficiencies | Internal resources |
International competition | Investor relationships |
Labor market conditions | Legal disputes |
Market saturation | Market share |
Disasters & other business disruptions | Partners |
Political environment | Political stability |
Regulations and potential regulations | Social issues |
Social stability or instability | Social trends |
Stock market conditions | Suppliers |
Supply chain issues | Taxation |
Technological change | Trade barriers |