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Product SWOT

105 Examples for a Product SWOT

A product SWOT is an analysis of the market strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a product. This can be performed as part of strategic planning to select what products to develop and launch. A product SWOT can also be performed as part of product development or product management to identify strategies and plans such as a go-to-market strategy. The following are examples for a product SWOT.


Your internal strengths as a company to design, launch, produce, market and support the product along with the strengths of the product itself.
Access to high volume distribution channels
Aesthetically pleasing design
Can scale production to achieve lower cost
Color / style selection
Customer service capabilities
Designed for accessibility
Distribution partnerships
Efficient e.g. low power consumption
Existing customer base
Good packaging that's appealing and easy to use
High quality materials
Integrates with other things
Intellectual property / trade secrets
Low unit cost
Loyal customers
Marketing & sales capabilities
Marketing partnerships
Positive market testing results
Product is customizable
Safety features
Serves customer needs
Standards compliance
Sustainability - good for people & planet
Unique and valuable market position
Useful features
Useful functionality
Well known brand


The weaknesses of your product or your ability to produce and market it.
Customer pain points with product
Dependent on a single supplier
Design flaws
Few existing customers
Few loyal customers
Few marketing resources
High unit cost / high price
Inefficient product
Lack of distribution channels
Lack of industry expertise
Lack of marketing / distribution partners
Lack of marketing / sales expertise
Lack of product differentiation
Limited distribution channels
Limited market share
Limited media presence
Limited scalability
Low brand recognition
Low product quality
Low product variety such as styles and colors
Market position of product is weak / unclear
Negative customer perceptions of brand / product
Negative reputation / poor reviews
Poor / no customer service
Poor packaging
Poor product performance
Poor usability
Product doesn't meet an important customer need
Product lacks durability
Product made with low quality materials


Swot opportunities are external factors that are favorable to you. This should not be confused with regular opportunities such as plans you can make to improve things. The following are illustrative examples of swot opportunities for a product.
Changing customer needs
Changing customer preferences
Competition have weak brand recognition
Competitors often out of stock
Favorable demographic changes
Favorable economic conditions
Favorable market conditions
Functions and features lacking in competing products
High demand for product
High prices of competition
Low performance of competing products
Low quality of competing products
Poor durability of competing products
Poor reputation of competition
Poor reviews of competing products
Poor usability of competing products
Reduced competition
Reduced trade barriers
Trending new styles / colors
Weak marketing of competing products


Threats are external factors that are negative from your perspective such as the strengths of your competition.
Competitors who are highly creative and fast to change
Competitors who are skilled marketers
Competitors with a strong reputation as a good business e.g. environmental
Competitors with excellent customer service
Competitors with good product packaging
Competitors with high quality
Competitors with lower costs
Competitors with more marketing resources
Competitors with more pricing power
Competitors with strong brands
Competitors with strong customer relationships
Competitors with strong product positioning / differentiation
Competitors with superior operational capabilities
New regulations
New trade barriers that inhibit your access to foreign markets
Political disruptions
Reduced consumer spending
Reduced demand
Reduced trade barriers that produce more global competition
Supply chain disruptions
Technological / competitive disruption to your business model
Unfavorable change to customer needs
Unfavorable demographic change

Swot Analysis

This is the complete list of articles we have written about swot analysis.
Business Context
Business Swot
Competitive Factors
Economic Factors
External Factors
External SWOT
Internal Factors
Personal Swot
Political Factors
Product SWOT
Situation Analysis
Team Strengths
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