Ambition / Play Offense | Authenticity / Be Real |
Backbone | Be Curious |
Be Nice | Bias for Action |
Build Trust / Credibility | Calculated Risk Taking |
Candor / Directness | Clear Issues / Be Relentless |
Communicate Fearlessly | Compassion |
Cost Conciousness | Creativity / Inventiveness |
Customer First | Dedication |
Deliver Often | Details Matter / Attention to Detail |
Do the Right Thing | Enjoy It / Enthusiasm / Making it Fun |
Environmental Stewardship | Flexibility |
Get it Right | Golden Rule / Empathy |
Hands On - leaders delve into details | High Standards / Continually Raising Standards |
Honesty | Humilty / Self-Awareness |
Ideas from Everywhere | Keep an Eye on Competitors / Industry Change |
Learning From Failure | Listen to Customers / Each Other |
Maintain Perspective | Meritocracy |
More With Less | Mutual Respect |
Openness / Continually Learning | Ownership Mentality - never say "That's not my job" |
Patience | People First |
Personal Accountability | Play the Long Game |
Politeness | Productivity Matters |
Put Others First | Quality First |
Reduce Waste | Reinvent / Challenge / Lead Industry |
Respect Time | Safety First |
Sense of Urgency | Service Excellence |
Ship Often | Social Responsibility |
Solve Customer Problems | Start Simple - no big planning cycles |
Teamwork / Supporting Each Other | Think Big |
Tolerance for Disagreement | Transparency |