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62 Examples of a Team Weakness

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A team weakness is a dysfunction or shortfall of a team. This can be related to leadership, culture, processes, training, environments and politics. It is common to identify team weaknesses as part of a swot analysis or similar exercise. The following are illustrative examples of a team weakness.
Corporate narcissism
Counterproductive secrecy
Disconnection from reality - not meeting customers, competitors and other industry insiders
Disengaged team members
Empty promises - words without action
Excessive structure - narrow roles and a lack of flexibility
Facility shortfall / physical environment
Failure fatigue - repeated failures that have lowered morale
Failure to align to the goals of an organization (e.g. bringing politics to work)
Failure to challenge assumptions
Favoritism - recognition, promotions and assignments based on friendship over talent
Fear of criticism leading to cowardly communication
Handling ambiguity - requiring too much direction
Handling criticism
Hands-off - avoidance of details & practical work
Harsh Feedback - feedback intended to embarrass others or discredit them
Hesitation to share ideas
Inconsistent direction and leadership
Inflexible - assuming things must be a certain way
Lack of Candor - holding back on critical feedback
Lack of accountability - not my mistake
Lack of comradery and shared experience
Lack of entrepreneurial spirit
Lack of initiative - waiting around for instructions
Lack of ownership - not my problem
Lack of respect for time - leisurely pace to meetings and work
Lack of standards & process
Lack of urgency - allowing minor issues to derail progress
Long-term focus - always talking about 5 years later with few results now
Low cooperation
Low morale
Managing the expectations of stakeholders
Mediocrity -- fear of conflict and avoidance of action items
Meeting commitments to each other
Meeting commitments to stakeholders
Neglect of problems - not solving obvious problems
One-upmanship - trying to look better than others as opposed to adopting a cooperative team spirit
Overcommunication -- too many meetings / emails
Overdependence on a few key people
Overly democratic decisions without strong leadership direction to provide a sanity check
Overly political
Poor working conditions
Promoting value of team to organization
Red tape
Relationships with stakeholders
Resistance to change
Respect - negative politics / impoliteness
Risk avoidance and a lack of calculated risk taking
Sense of purpose - what we are doing matters
Setting expectations
Short-term focus - addressing problems today in ways that hurt the future
Skills shortfall / training needs
Unclear goals
Unclear structure - who does the what?
Underplanning / reactive mode
Unmanaged risk
Unrealistic expectations - require constant feedback, praise and recognition
Work ethic
Work-life balance issues

In your experience, what is the most common type of team weakness?

Poor Communication
101 votes
Low Morale
29 votes
Inefficient Meetings
29 votes
Process Shortfalls
33 votes
Inefficient Tools
12 votes
Insufficient Training
4 votes
Unclear Priorities
10 votes
5 votes
Inadequate Resources
0 votes
High Turnover
0 votes
Stakeholder Relationships
0 votes
0 votes


A team weakness is any factor that prevents a team from being fully productive and creative. These can be structural issues such as systems, processes and tools. It is also common for team issues to relate to team culture and team management practices.
Next read: Team Culture
More about SWOT analysis:
Business Context
Business Swot
Competitive Factors
Economic Factors
External Factors
External SWOT
Internal Factors
Personal Swot
Political Factors
Product SWOT
Situation Analysis
Team Strengths
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