List your strengths including talents, character traits, relationships, assets, positions, social status and knowledge.Ambition | Bravery |
Business Connections | Businesses You Own |
Communication Skills | Compassion |
Creativity | Cultural Capital |
Diligence | Family |
Friendliness | Friends |
Honesty & Candor | Know-how |
Knowledge | Languages |
Motivation | Openness |
Optimism | Personal Assets |
Politeness | Pragmatism |
Productive | Professional Relationships |
Professional Reputation | Realism |
Responsible | Roles & Positions |
Self-Control | Sense of Duty |
Social Skills | Talents |
Technical Skills | Tolerance |
Trust | Work-Ethic |
A candid list of areas where you feel that you are lacking or at a disadvantage. If you are doing a personal swot for yourself, try to use defensive pessimism whereby you take a critical view of your current position. A personal swot that is shown to others may list superficial weaknesses such as talents you wouldn't be expected to have anyway.Bad Habits | Beginner |
Character Flaws | Closed / Reserved |
Disadvantaged | Disconnected / Disengaged |
Family Instability | Fears |
Geographically Isolated | Give Up Easily |
Health Problems / Injuries | Housing Quality |
Impulsive | Inconsistent / Often Change Mind |
Indecisive | Lack Industry / Domain Connections |
Lack Know-how / Knowledge | Lack Skills |
Lack Tools | Lack of Commitment |
Lack of Connections | Lack of Education |
Lack of Experience | Lack of Financial Resources |
Lack of Imagination | Lack of Technical Resources |
Lack of Time | Language Proficiency |
Leadership Experience | Life Obstacles |
Low Attention to Detail | Low Cultural Competence |
Low Motivation | Low Work Ethic |
Negative Relationships | New to a Business / Profession |
New to a Culture | Pessimistic |
Poor Communication Skills | Poor Performance |
Poor Routines | Poor Social Skills |
Poverty | Public Speaking Skills / Fears |
Reputation Damaged | Sensitive / Lack Grit |
Socially Isolated | Unfriendly |
Unrealistic | Untrusting |
Waste Time |
Brainstorm things you could do. This is a broad list that includes all possibilities, even where they are unlikely.Adopt a Habit / Routine | Attend Events |
Build Relationships | Calculated Risk Taking |
Change Lifestyle | Cultivate Optimism / Pragmatism |
Cultivate Peace and Understanding | Cultural Participation |
Defeat a Bias | Deliver Work |
Design / Redesign Processes | Develop Character Strengths |
Develop Know-how | Develop Knowledge of Performance |
Develop Tools & Capabilities | Develop a Skill |
Diy Projects | Epic Experience |
Experiment | Face a Fear |
Improve Decision Making Process | Improve Diligence / Focus / Attention to Detail |
Improve Health | Improve Problem Solving Process |
Improve Quality of Life | Improve Work Performance |
Improve Work Quality | Improve Work Throughput |
Improve Work Turnaround Time | Make a Decision |
Network | Pursue Altruism |
Pursue Education | Pursue Knowledge |
Pursue Social Inclusion | Pursue Wellness / Fitness |
Pursue a New Career Path | Pursue an Interest / Hobby |
Read | Refine / Master a Talent |
Research | Show Gratitude |
Solve a Problem | Start a Business |
Study | Sustain / Improve Relationships |
Take On Action Items | Take On Responsibilities |
Travel | Try to Be Creative |
Threats are things that could derail your plans and keep you from your goals. These are potential future problems that are essentially risks.Accidents | Business Failure |
Competition | Conflict |
Crime | Discrimination |
Economic Problems | Family Demands |
Financial Losses | Health Problems |
Lack of Funding | Lack of Support |
Lack of Time | Legal Disputes |
Performance Failures | Personal Losses |
Politics | Project Failure |
Rumors & Misinformation | Social Exclusion |
Social Stability | Strategy Failure |
Unplanned Expenses |