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5 Examples of Quality Control

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Quality control is the process of detecting mistakes in operational outputs such as products and services. This can involve testing every single output such as the products off an assembly line. Alternatively, it can involve taking statistically significant test samples that provide confidence that results are to specifications. The following are illustrative examples of quality control.

Fast Moving Consumer Goods

A factory that produces apple juice performs a basic test on every bottle and a detailed test on several units in every batch. The units are selected for detailed testing using pseudorandom numbers.


A high speed train manufacturer runs a detailed test on every component produced that includes manual and automated verifications.


A web site monitors the average response time per page for all customer interactions and generates an incident ticket when the service is unacceptably slow.

Customer Service

A chain of retail stores tests the quality of customer service with secret shoppers.

Food Services

An airline tests the quality of its inflight meals with statistically significant samples that verify a variety of food safety parameters. A separate program of quality control takes less frequent samples for sensory analysis to make sure the meals taste good.
Overview: Quality Control
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Reliability Engineering
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Types of Quality
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