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50 Examples of Incident Management

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Incident management is the time sensitive process of resolving operational issues. Incidents include any failure events that have business impact or risks. Incident management is concerned with implementing quick fixes to restore things and minimize impact. Addressing the underlying and fundamental root causes of incidents is handled by a separate process known as problem management.

Detection, Assessment & Reporting

The ongoing process of detecting incidents, recording them and communicating them to initiate incident management. The following are basic examples of this process:
Automated alerts and impact analysis
Help desk accepts incident reports from users
Customer service logs customer reported incidents
Determine if an incident has actually occurred
Initial incident analysis and triage
Determine incident type, classification, priority and impact
Create an incident ticket
Notify level 1 support
Escalate high impact incidents immediately

Incident Communication

The process of owning the incident, monitoring responses and providing timely and targeted communications to all stakeholders.
Initial notification
Stakeholder analysis
Impact analysis
Proactively notifying impacted stakeholders
Contact management processes
Monitoring incident resolution and providing updates
Tailoring updates for each stakeholder
Maintaining confidentiality where appropriate
User and customer service
Collecting feedback from users and customers
Communicate issue closure
Business apologies as appropriate
Communicate steps that will be taken to prevent future incidents
Post-incident communication to update stakeholders on problem management and continuous improvement steps that are taken

Response & Resolution

The process of investigating, containing, mitigating and resolving an incident.
Incident containment
Planning and approvals for changes
Escalating to other levels of support
Engaging individuals and teams to help
Applying fixes or mitigating incident
Updating status regularly
Incident resolution

Problem Management

The process of investigating the root cause of incidents to implement long term fixes that are sustainable. This can be a less urgent but far more extensive process that can span months where large changes are required.
Problem identification
Problem assessment including initial priority and categorization
Create problem ticket
Problem investigation
Root cause analysis
Develop a plan to fix the problem
Implement plan
Deployment, verification and testing
Problem closure

Continuous Improvement

The process of improving the incident response process. This often means creating standard operating procedures for troubleshooting and resolving recurring incidents.
Incident review
Feedback from stakeholders
Post-incident analysis
Improvements to documents
Improvements to alerts and monitoring
Improvements to processes and training
Lessons learned – what worked, what didn’t work
Documenting steps to handle similar incidents in future
Overview: Incident Management
The time sensitive process of resolving operational issues.
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Incident Management

This is the complete list of articles we have written about incident management.
Business Incident
Call Tree
Corrective Action
Help Desk
Incident Process
Mean Time To Repair
Problem Management
Revenue Impact
Root Cause
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