Alumni | Animal lovers |
Beauty enthusiasts | Beginners in some area |
Brand loyal customers – will only buy from brand | Budget-conscious consumers |
Business owners | Business travelers |
Businesses in an industry | Busy professionals |
Charities | Cities |
Collectors | College students |
Concert-goers | Conference participants |
Corporate executives | Cosplay enthusiasts |
Creative professionals | Cultures and subcultures |
Customer needs – e.g. needs a new car | Customer perceptions – e.g. concerned about safety |
DIY enthusiasts | Demographics such as age |
Digital nomads | Doctors and registered nurses |
Environmentally-conscious individuals | Event attendees |
Everyone | Executives in an industry |
Expert users of a product or service | Experts in some field |
Fans | Fans of a film genre |
Fans of a musical genre | Fans of a sports team |
Farmers | Fashion enthusiasts |
Festival attendees | Followers |
Followers of an influencer | Foodies |
Freelancers | Frequent travelers |
Frequent users of a product or service | Gamers |
Government departments | Governments |
Health-conscious individuals | Hobbyists |
Homeowners | Influencers |
Influencers in an industry | Investors |
Large businesses | Leisure travelers |
Loyal customers – purchase frequently | Luxury consumers |
Media producers | Mid-sized businesses |
Minimalists | Music enthusiasts |
Nations | Natural food enthusiasts |
Nature enthusiasts | Neighborhoods |
Nightlife enthusiasts | Non-Governmental organizations |
Nonprofits | Online shoppers |
Opinions, attitudes and other psychographics | Outdoor enthusiasts |
Parents | Patrons of the arts |
People who work in a particular office building | Political views |
Pop culture enthusiasts | Private schools |
Professional athletes | Professionals |
Regions | Remote workers |
Retirees | Rural residents |
Small businesses | Social causes |
Socially-conscious individuals | Software developers |
Sporting enthusiasts | Students |
Students of a particular school or college | Subject matter experts |
Supporters of a political party | Supporters of charities |
Sustainable product enthusiasts | Teachers and educators |
Technology enthusiasts | Tourists |
Trade show attendees | Travelers |
Urban residents | Young professionals |