Active Silence | Adapting Message to Audience |
Addressing People by Name | Analogy / Metaphor |
Anticipating Objectives | Assertiveness |
Audience Analysis | Avoiding / Defeating Biases |
Avoiding / Defeating Unjustified Assumptions | Building Rapport |
Building Social Influence | Building Trust |
Building on the Ideas of Others | Calmness |
Candor | Charisma |
Civility | Communicating Emotion |
Communicating Intentions | Compromise |
Constructive Criticism | Coolness |
Cooperation | Correcting Yourself |
Cultural Capital | Cultural Competence |
Dealing With Criticism | Debate / Argument |
Direct Language | Editing / Correcting |
Emotional Intelligence | Empathy |
Ethos | Etiquette |
Expectation Setting | Eye Contact |
Fact Checking | Fairness |
Flexibility / Adaptability | Friendliness |
Gestures | Getting to the Point / Brevity |
Grammar | Honesty |
Humor / Sense of Humor | Information Chunking |
Intercultural Communication | Keep it Simple |
Languages | Likability |
Listening | Logic |
Logos | Mece |
Message Framing | Multi-channel Communication |
Nudges | Observing / Responding to Audience |
Openness | Pathos |
Personal Presence | Personality |
Physical Communication (e.g. handshake) | Plain Language |
Polite Fiction | Politeness |
Positive Communication | Posture |
Questioning | Rational Thinking |
Reading Between the Lines | Reading Intentions |
Reflection | Resilience |
Respect | Responsiveness |
Saving Face | Self Monitoring |
Social Cues | Social Proof |
Social Skills | Speaking Clarity |
Spelling | Storytelling |
Sympathy | Tact |
Thinking Before Speaking | Tolerance for Disagreement |
Tone of Text | Tone of Voice |
Trust | Understatement |
Win-win Thinking | Wit |
Overview: Effective Communication | ||
Type | ||
Definition | The communication of meaning in a way that is understood or that achieves some goal such as influencing. | |
Related Concepts |