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25 Examples of Product Analysis

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Product analysis is the evaluation of a product for the purposes of product development, review or purchasing. This may be performed by the producer, the customer or a third party such as a product review blog. As part of product analysis, a product may be tested and information gathered from sources such as customers and industry analysts. A product analysis may involve a comparison to competing products on the market. In the case of evaluation by a customer, the product may be assessed based on a set of requirements or customer needs. The following are illustrative examples of product analysis.


Evaluation of cost such as a product development team that calculates how much a proposed design will cost to produce at scale.


Functions are what a product does. For example, a customer may evaluate the functionality of an industrial robot against a set of requirements.


Features are how functions are implemented. For example, two air purifiers that perform similar functions in removing fine particles from air that have different user interfaces. Features are often evaluated in terms of usability.


The performance of a product such as the responsiveness of a snowboard.

Figure of Merit

A measurable element of product performance such as a CPU benchmark for a computing device.

Ingredients & Materials

The quality of a product's ingredients or materials such as a food product with natural organic ingredients as compared to a product with chemical additives.

Sensory Analysis

Sensory analysis is the evaluation of products using human senses such as taste, smell, touch, sight, sound and sensation.

Look & Feel

The overall visual appeal of the product.

Customer Experience

The end-to-end customer experience including the services that may be offered with the product. For example, considering the level of customer support offered by a bank as part of the analysis of a financial product.


The experience of opening up the product and reusing packaging.

User Productivity

How much you accomplish with the product in a unit of time. For example, a mobile phone that makes it easy to quickly enter text.


The resource consumption of the product such as the power used by a refrigerator.


The ability of the product to retain value over time and when subjected to stresses. For example, a leather couch that still looks new after 5 years as opposed to one that looks worn in 6 months. This may be evaluated with accelerated life testing or with information from existing customers of the product.


Consistent performance over time. For example, a printer that maintains high uptime across all customers versus a printer that has a reputation for downtime and being difficult to maintain.


The ability to configure the product to your preferences or requirements.


How well the product integrates with other things such as a mobile phone that effortlessly integrates with data backup tools and hardware offered by many manufacturers.


Compliance with standards such as a pillow that is independently certified to have low emissions of VOCs.


The impact of the product on the environment and communities.


Evaluating product safety such as an organization that performs crash tests on vehicles.


The risk associated with a product such as the risk of vendor lock-in associated with a software product.

Security & Privacy

Evaluations of the security and privacy of a product. For example, considering the value of an household appliance that connects to the internet versus the security implications of this connectivity.

Terms & Conditions

The legal agreements that come with a product. For example, the software license agreements that apply to a mobile phone.

Conformance Quality

A product with adequate quality control such that every product is the same as opposed to the customer facing a risk of obtaining a defective product. Customers may evaluate this by looking for customer reviews that report a defect product or by seeking data from consumer protection agencies and organizations.


A summary of the producer's reputation including your experiences with its products.


Comparing the ratio of quality to price. In this context, quality is evaluated in terms of the product's fitness for purpose.


The following are common types of product analysis.


The process of systematically evaluating products.
Next: Product Quality
More about product quality:
Conformance Quality
Cost Of Poor Quality
Credence Quality
Critical To Customer
Critical To Quality
Customer Satisfaction
Data Quality
Defect Density
Defect Rate
Defensive Design
Design Quality
Document Quality
Ease Of Use
Experience Quality
Figure Of Merit
Fit For Purpose
Information Quality
Non-Functional Testing
Operational Testing
Perceived Value
Planned Obsolescence
Product Quality
Quality Assurance
Quality Control
Quality Culture
Quality Examples
Quality Improvement
Quality Management
Quality Metrics
Quality Objectives
Quality Of Life
Quality Policy
Quality Requirements
Quality Testing
Recovery Paradox
Regression Testing
Reliability Engineering
Service Quality
Types of Quality
Acceptance Testing
Work Quality
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