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8 Examples of an Iterative Process

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An iterative process is a process that repeats with each repetition moving closer to a desired result. The following are illustrative examples.

Social Processes

Social processes can be iterative such as a series of negotiation sessions that progress towards an agreement.

Process of Discovery

A process where you discover your end-goals as you go. For example, a high school student who tries a variety of subjects each year and begins to slowly focus on areas where they discover a talent or interest.

Feedback Loops

A feedback loop is a system or situation where change brings about feedback that can be used to evaluate the change. For example, an ice cream company that is always putting potential new products in front of customers to gain their feedback, improve products and repeat.

Trial & Error

The process of trying something that may fail and then learning from failures and successes to try again. This is essentially an experiment that may not apply the full processes of the scientific method. For example, a child who makes a paper airplane, throws it and makes design changes based on how well it flew.


Creating throwaway or evolutionary prototypes of a product or service. Typically viewed as an iterative process of improvement based on trial & error and feedback loops.


Practice is an iterative process of performing an activity many times in order to learn and develop talents. Practice generates knowledge of performance and knowledge of results that can be used to improve.

Iterative Refinement

The process of advancing the quality of a work product by creating many versions of it with the goal of improving with each version. For example, a painter who begins with sketches before creating a painting. Painters are known to repeat the same work several times in order to reach a higher state of refinement.


Iteration is a basic structure of computer code that repeats a series of instructions until some condition is met. For example, computer code that loops through a telecom customer's call records to generate a long distance phone bill.


The defining characteristic of an iterative process is that it improves with each cycle.
Overview: Iterative Process
A process that repeats with each repetition moving closer to a desired result.
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