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A work product is an output of a project. They are the lowest level of project work that are individually estimated, budgeted, assigned, executed, measured and controlled. Work products include both tangible things such as infrastructure installations and intangible things such as presentations. The following are illustrative examples.
RequirementsFunctional and non-functional requirements. In many cases, requirements are collected and refined by a team of business analysts assigned to a project and delivered to stakeholders for sign off.Market ResearchMarket research such as a voice of the customer study may be included as a work product for a product development project.
DesignA software design document completed by a software architect or lead developer.Technical ComponentThe code for a single web page or transaction.Engineering DesignThe design of a part for a machine.ConstructionCompleting the framing for a house.InstallationInstallation of equipment such as the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems for a building. ConnectionThe connection of a building's electrical system to the grid.InspectionA safety inspection at a rocket launch site that is required before launch.TestingAn iteration of a regression testing cycle that produces a test report and defect documentation.DataInput or migration of data.ProcurementProcuring materials for a manufacturing process.TrainingA training session for users of a new system.Sales CollateralsA brochure for a new product.|
Type | | Definition (1) | The smallest unit of project output that is estimated, budgeted, assigned, executed, measured and controlled. | Definition (2) | Tangible and intangible outputs of a project. | Related Concepts | |
Project Management
This is the complete list of articles we have written about project management.
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A list of common project risks.
A list of basic project management techniques.
A definition of workaround with examples.
A list of project branding techniques.
An overview of project stakeholder management with examples.
A definition of action plan with examples.
The primary types of cost overrun.
The definition of document control with examples.
A guide to project oversight.
A definition of design driven development with examples.
The definition of assumption with examples.
An overview of acceptance criteria.
The common types and formats of requirements.
The definition of project concept with examples.
An overview of project status reports with complete examples.
An overview of the project management process.
An overview of project scope with examples.
A list of items to include in scope.
A definition of project deliverable with several common examples.
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