Absenteeism | Accountability |
Agents of change | Authority beyond the org chart such as charismatic authority or expert authority |
Awards and recognition | Calculated risk taking |
Communication norms | Competitive spirit |
Compliance culture | Comradery and team spirit |
Continuous learning | Corporate narcissism – excessive corporate pride |
Creative bravery – people willing to offer brave ideas | Creative tension – people willing to argue for ideas |
Cronyism | Culture of cross-functional cooperation |
Customer culture – culture of respect for the customer | Decentralization / centralization of decisions |
Decentralization / centralization of design | Decentralization / centralization of planning |
Decision making process | Delegation of authority |
Elitism | Employee engagement |
Employee satisfaction | Entitlement – excessive expectations for reward |
Environment of trust | Environmental responsibility |
Ethical climate | Expectations for following policy |
Expectations for meeting commitments | Expectations for professionalism |
Expectations for self-direction | Fairness of promotions |
Financial stewardship | Formality of communication |
Goal setting norms | Group harmony – prioritizing getting along over all else |
Group identity – the degree to which members identify with team | Groupthink vs individual decision making |
Handling of bullying | Handling of unprofessional conduct |
How strategy is aligned across organization | Initiative taking |
Intellectual diversity vs think-alike culture | Intensive politics vs conflict avoidance |
Involved vs aloof managers | Leadership authenticity |
Learning from failure | Level of diligence expected |
Low performance is managed | Maintaining confidentiality |
Management style | Mature processes or ad hoc |
Mediocrity and trying to keep up with what others are doing | Noncooperation with other teams |
Onboarding practices | Partner management norms |
Performance expectations | Politeness and mutual respect |
Proactive vs reactive | Productivity expectations |
Professional conduct | Promotions based on merit |
Punctuality | Raising the bar – exceeding industry standards and leading |
Recognition of failure or failure is ignored | Referral / promotions of friends |
Resistance to change | Respect for different styles of working |
Respect for employee privacy | Responsible cost control or overspending |
Responsiveness norms – e.g. quick responses to customers | Reward based on effort |
Reward based on measured outcomes | Reward based on perceptions |
Risk avoidance behaviors | Risk management expectations |
Rumors and misinformation | Safety culture |
Saving face – culture of not embarrassing others | Secrecy vs transparency |
Service culture | Social environment at work |
Social responsibility | Standards of professionalism |
Team building practices | Time management norms |
Tolerance for time wasting bureaucratic processes | Work autonomy |
Work from home vs in-office culture | Work habits |
Work quality expectations | Work-life balance |
Working conditions |