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95 Examples of Management Culture

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Management culture is the set of norms, expectations, habits and behaviors that influence the management of an organization. These are the intangible human elements of how an organization is managed that may differ from concrete elements of management such as policy. Such tendencies are deeply entrenched in an organization and are generally difficult to change. The following are examples of management culture.
Agents of change
Authority beyond the org chart such as charismatic authority or expert authority
Awards and recognition
Calculated risk taking
Communication norms
Competitive spirit
Compliance culture
Comradery and team spirit
Continuous learning
Corporate narcissism – excessive corporate pride
Creative bravery – people willing to offer brave ideas
Creative tension – people willing to argue for ideas
Culture of cross-functional cooperation
Customer culture – culture of respect for the customer
Decentralization / centralization of decisions
Decentralization / centralization of design
Decentralization / centralization of planning
Decision making process
Delegation of authority
Employee engagement
Employee satisfaction
Entitlement – excessive expectations for reward
Environment of trust
Environmental responsibility
Ethical climate
Expectations for following policy
Expectations for meeting commitments
Expectations for professionalism
Expectations for self-direction
Fairness of promotions
Financial stewardship
Formality of communication
Goal setting norms
Group harmony – prioritizing getting along over all else
Group identity – the degree to which members identify with team
Groupthink vs individual decision making
Handling of bullying
Handling of unprofessional conduct
How strategy is aligned across organization
Initiative taking
Intellectual diversity vs think-alike culture
Intensive politics vs conflict avoidance
Involved vs aloof managers
Leadership authenticity
Learning from failure
Level of diligence expected
Low performance is managed
Maintaining confidentiality
Management style
Mature processes or ad hoc
Mediocrity and trying to keep up with what others are doing
Noncooperation with other teams
Onboarding practices
Partner management norms
Performance expectations
Politeness and mutual respect
Proactive vs reactive
Productivity expectations
Professional conduct
Promotions based on merit
Raising the bar – exceeding industry standards and leading
Recognition of failure or failure is ignored
Referral / promotions of friends
Resistance to change
Respect for different styles of working
Respect for employee privacy
Responsible cost control or overspending
Responsiveness norms – e.g. quick responses to customers
Reward based on effort
Reward based on measured outcomes
Reward based on perceptions
Risk avoidance behaviors
Risk management expectations
Rumors and misinformation
Safety culture
Saving face – culture of not embarrassing others
Secrecy vs transparency
Service culture
Social environment at work
Social responsibility
Standards of professionalism
Team building practices
Time management norms
Tolerance for time wasting bureaucratic processes
Work autonomy
Work from home vs in-office culture
Work habits
Work quality expectations
Work-life balance
Working conditions


This is the complete list of articles we have written about management.
Bias For Action
Corporate Narcissism
Fail Often
Failing Upwards
Lessons Learned
Management Expectations
Management Issues
Management Support
Negative Selection
Office Politics
Setting Up To Fail
Shadow Of The Leader
Tit For Tat
Tolerance For Disagreement
Unspoken Rule
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