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22 Examples of Management Communication

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Management communication is written, verbal or visual communication that is relevant to the direction and control of an organization. This can take the form of conversations, presentations, documents, messages and visual designs. The following are common types of management communication.


A conversation with a predefined purpose and format such as a weekly status meeting that is used to track work progress and clear issues.

Meeting Minutes

Recording any useful information generated by a meeting.

Action Items

Formally assigning work to individuals and teams with action items.

Setting Expectations

Communicating what is expected of individuals in a particular situation. For example, providing detailed requirements and a deadline for a work assignment.

Managing Expectations

Communicating to stakeholders what you will deliver and what is out of scope.

Formal Communication

Official communications that come from a position of authority. For example, a human resources representative who communicates new rules and policies.

Touching Base

Informal conversations with no purpose other than to stay in touch.

Management by Walking Around

A high level manager who stays grounded with business realities by freely communicating to people at all levels of a firm.

Open Door Policy

High level managers who encourage low level staff to freely approach them if they have a concern.


Communications designed to convince. For example, a manager who sells a new strategy to teams to reduce resistance to change.


Communications designed to motivate such as an executive manager who outlines the competitive pressures faced by a firm to ask for a team effort to overcome obstacles.


Storytelling is the art of making written and spoken communications interesting, entertaining and compelling.

Messaging Framing>

Carefully crafting communications to achieve an objective and avoid miscommunication.

Anticipating Objections

The practice of preparing to handle objections to your strategies, policies, plans, designs or ideas.

Consensus Building

A process of reaching a state where a team mostly agree to a strategy, plan or design. Teams tend to feel more motivated and engaged when they feel they have been consulted.

Choice Architecture

Presenting choices in a way that is designed to influence outcomes.


The process of directing a conversation and obtaining information by asking well considered questions.


Listening with intent to understand including reading emotions and processing the nuances of what is said.

Visual Communication

Communicating using visuals. This is an art that involves visual design, storytelling and data science.

Feedback & Criticism

Providing timely performance feedback and criticism such that teams are given ample opportunity to correct low performance.


Recognizing high performance to build confidence and elevate the status of high performers within a team.


Sharing knowledge and helping others to improve.


The following are common types of management communication:


Management communication includes formal and informal communication in both vertical and horizontal directions in an organization.
Overview: Management Communication
Written, verbal or visual communication that is relevant to the direction and control of an organization.
Related Concepts
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More about management communication:
Action Items
Data Science
Management Issues
Management Reporting
Out Of Scope
Visual Control
Visual Design
Visual Management
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