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42 Examples of Leadership Decisions

Leadership decisions are decisions that are adopted by a group under the direction or influence of a leader. This is the basic way that groups move in a single direction. Leadership decisions are typically made with those with formal authority but may be greatly influenced by leaders who influence beyond their authority. The following are illustrative examples of leadership decisions.
Hiring an employee
Conducting a business experiment
Adopting a strategy
Launching a program
Funding a project
Design of a business process
Design of a user interface
Visual identity of a firm / brand
Terminating an employee
Automating a process
Launching a product or service
Investing in new locations
Relocating an office
Defining employee work policy
Granting customers an exception to policy
Defining the requirements for a project
Investing in infrastructure
Increasing / decreasing prices
Adopting a mission and vision
Adopting values and principles as an organization / team
Setting expectations for performance
Setting performance objectives
Deciding how to manage an issue / incident
Defining the structure of a business / organization
Deciding how to measure business goals
Structuring performance incentives / bonuses
Promotions and demotions
Pay increases
Design and implementation of internal controls
Adopting a product strategy / roadmap
Acquiring a competitor
Developing partnerships
Designing a service
Expanding into a new business
Transforming a business model
Developing new distribution channels
Improving the quality of a product
Reducing the cost of a product
Sourcing components, materials and parts
Defining customer service processes, procedures and policy

Decision Making

This is the complete list of articles we have written about decision making.
A/B Testing
Abilene Paradox
Abstract Concept
Analysis Paralysis
Analytic Reasoning
Benefit Of Doubt
Boil The Frog
Choice Architecture
Cold Logic
Collective Intelligence
Convergent Thinking
Critical Thinking
Decision Analysis
Decision Authority
Decision Balance
Decision Costs
Decision Fatigue
Decision Framing
Decision Mapping
Decision Modelling
Decision Quality
Decision Rationale
Decision Support
Decision Tree
Devil's Advocate
Disagree And Commit
Divergent Thinking
Emotional Intelligence
Failure Of Imagination
Group Decisions
Keep It Simple
Maximax Criterion
Minimax Criterion
Motivated Reasoning
Non Decision
Normative Model
Opportunity Cost
Paradox Of Choice
Pareto Analysis
Predictive Analytics
Preserving Ambiguity
Reverse Brainstorming
Sanity Check
Serious Game
Strategic Dominance
Thought Experiment
Visual Analytics
Visual Thinking
More ...
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Decision Making

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