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13 Types of Goal Planning

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Goal planning is the process of developing a set of goals. As a business process, goal planning is a small part of strategic planning and performance management. Goal planning can also be a personal process of developing end-goals and concrete plans to achieve them. The following are common types of goal planning.
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Types of Goal

It is common to set different types of goals with different time horizons and purposes. Goals can be motivational, directional or actionable.

Big Audacious Goal

An extremely ambitious goal that serves as an inspiration even if it isn't achievable.


A statement of your purpose as an organization, team or individual. For example, a non-profit organization that exists to clean the oceans of debris, chemical sludge and microplastics.


An inspiring vision of your future. This can be long term and essentially unachievable. A mission statement defines your purpose while a vision statement defines your direction and future.


End-goals are things that you want. They aren't directly actionable or achievable. Over-focusing on end-goals is a common source of failure. As an example, "I want to be rich and famous" is an end-goal that isn't necessarily useful as it isn't actionable or inspiring. Nevertheless, end-goals can serve as useful targets. It is common for businesses to have basic end-goals such as a target rate for revenue growth.

Concrete Goals

Concrete goals are goals that are fully actionable and achievable. For example, a specific plan to improve a product is an actionable goal that can contribute to an end-goal such as revenue growth.


Objectives are either concrete goals or steps that take you closer to achieving a concrete goal. Objectives are the basic way that organizations measure progress. Processes such as strategy implementation, project management and performance management are typically based on objectives. For example, a project to repair infrastructure might have an objective to construct scaffolding. The scaffolding isn't a goal in itself but is a meaningful step towards the goal of repairing the infrastructure.

Silent Goal

A goal that an individual adopts for themselves without communicating it to anyone. Silent goals can motivate an individual because the act of telling everyone your goals tends to be satisfying such that it decreases your motivation.

Tactical Goals

Goals that take advantage of current realities as they unfold.

Goal Planning Process

The process of developing goals.

Strategic Drivers

Identifying the things that shape your strategy such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Goal Backlog

It is common to brainstorm a large number of goals in a creative process. Businesses and individuals may maintain a backlog of goals that lists everything they might like to achieve.


Developing plans that achieve goals.


Analysis of the risks associated with strategies.


Development of goals and strategies is a creative process that generates a large number of ideas. Prioritization is the realistic process of evaluating goals to choose those that are most actionable, relevant, valuable and achievable.
Overview: Goal Planning
The process of developing a set of goals.
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This is the complete list of articles we have written about goals.
Big Goals
Business Goals
Concrete Goals
Daily Goals
Efficiency Goals
Employee Goals
Future Goals
Goals List
IT Goals
Leadership Goals
Learning Goals
Long Term Goals
Management Goals
Measurable Goals
Outcome Goals
Performance Goals
Personal Goals
Process Goals
Productivity Goals
Professional Goals
Quality Goals
Service Goals
Stretch Goals
Types of Objectives
Work Goals
Workplace Goals
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