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35 Examples of Leadership

Leadership is the practice of getting groups to act as one. This requires no formal authority and is distinct from management whereby an individual has specific authority to direct people and control resources. As such, anyone can demonstrate leadership in any group context. The following are common examples of leadership situations followed by more detailed examples.
Championing Change
Conferences & Workshops
Contributing to Projects
Contributing to a Family Business
Customer Service
Facilitating Meetings
Founding a Band
Group Assignments at School
Group Study Sessions
Hobbies that Involve Teamwork
Improving Processes
Improving Work Culture
Leading an Aspect of a Project (e.g. Design)
Managing People
Managing Projects
Managing a Business Function
Operating a Small Business
Organizing Events
Part-time Jobs
Political Organizations
Public Speaking
Running Meetings
School Activities
Social Groups
Solving Problems
Sponsoring Projects
Sports Teams
Starting a Small Business
Student Government
Student Organizations

Detailed Examples

A front desk clerk at a hotel who champions a change to check in practices that improves customer satisfaction.
A developer who leads a problem solving exercise at a developer's conference.
An engineer who leads a design charrette to produce a product prototype.
A consultant who leads a push to encrypt customer data in a database as a basic security measure.
A family member who pushes for improvements to the services offered by a family-owned restaurant.
A project contributor who leads by clearing issues that involve multiple stakeholders.
A team member who facilitates a conversation to resolve internal conflict in their team.
A student who takes the lead to divide work and collaborate on a group assignment.
An IT Manager who leads an initiative to automate time consuming IT maintenance work across a large organization.
A student who organizes group study sessions before a difficult exam.
An employee who gets approval to organize lunch and learn sessions to promote knowledge sharing across teams.
A senior member of a sports team who helps the coach run practices by leading several activities.
A cosplayer who organizes a small local cosplay event.
An employee who champions improvements to working conditions with management.
A student who leads the production of a school yearbook.
A marketing manager who sponsors a project to build a dashboard that provides visibility into return on advertising spend by business unit, product and campaign.
An employee at a fast food restaurant who leads an initiative to improve practices on the night shift to avoid wasting food.


This is the complete list of articles we have written about leadership.
Abundance Mentality
Bias For Action
Change Management
Charismatic Authority
Corporate Governance
Creative Leadership
Cruel Wit
Curiosity Drive
Defensive Pessimism
Delegated Authority
Expectation Setting
Fake It Till You Make It
Formal Authority
Heliotropic Effect
Informal Authority
Intrinsic Motivation
Leadership Culture
Leadership Decisions
Leadership Functions
Leadership Goals
Leadership Qualities
Leadership Skills
Leadership Strengths
Leadership Style
Leadership Weaknesses
Managing Up
Name Dropping
Nudge Theory
Office Politics
Personal Presence
Petty Authority
Political Capital
Positive Criticism
Resistance To Change
Servant Leadership
Shadow Of The Leader
Situational Leadership
Social Proof
Strategic Dominance
Tone At The Top
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