Acta, non verba -- action over words. | Age si quid agis -- if you do something, do it well. |
Audaces fortuna iuvat -- fortune favors the brave / bold. | Avoid delusional thinking -- embrace your faults and try to improve. |
Avoid excessive comfort. | Be persistent but learn to recognize failure. |
Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster. (Nietzsche). | Build others up and remember those who helped build you up. |
C'est la vie (that's life) -- crazy stuff happens, deal with it. | Calm, cool and collected. |
Carpe diem -- seize the day. | Challenge assumptions, particularly your own. |
Contritium praecedit superbia -- pride comes before the fall. | Credula est spes improba -- unrealistic hope is dishonest. |
Cultivate deep and beautiful emotions. | Discipline beats motivation -- do things that feel difficult. |
Do not take the world too seriously nor let too many social conventions oppress you.(Randolph Bourne) | Don't be quick to judge -- apparent misfortune may workout well and apparent luck may have a downside. |
Don't care what people think unless their opinion is relevant. | Don't hate the player, hate the game (Ice T). |
Don't seek validation from others, try to impress yourself instead. | Embrace the mess. |
Expect good things to happen. | Forgiveness is important to moving forward with gratitude. |
If you are afraid of being lonely, don't try to be right. (Jules Renard) -- criticising, preaching and combative arguing tend to isolate | If you're going through hell, keep going. (Winston Churchill) |
In order to achieve things you may have to endure long periods where you are misunderstood. | It takes all kinds to make a world. |
Jump through hoops -- be pragmatic to get things done. | Keep it simple stupid (Kelly Johnson). |
Keep your goals to yourself -- this can increase your motivation to achieve them. | Learn from others -- assume that everyone has something to teach. |
Live and let live. | Live in the present. |
Never hold a grudge or look back in anger. | Never interrupt someone who is making progress. |
No matter how bad things are, you can always make things worse (Randy Pausch). | Seek mastery in humble tasks. |
Seize opportunities duh. | Sideline negativity and mediocrity. |
Take reasonable and managed risks. | Take the high road -- avoid the temptation to match the poor behaviors of others. |
Take time to celebrate, play and pursue adventure. | That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger (Nietzsche). |
The real world is shaped by stories. | There are moments when failure isn't an option. |
There are no friends, only moments of friendship. ( Jules Renard) | There are things that are beyond your control, accept this and focus on what you can do. |
There's more than one way to do it -- there's no perfect solution / decision ... just many good ones. | This too will pass -- good fortune and bad are both transitory. |
Time isn't an illusion -- it's a limited resource that automatically disappears and never returns. | Try to always see the good and potential in others. |
Try to be nice to everyone even if they don't completely deserve it. | Try to see the wonder that is all around you. |
We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly - that is the first law of nature. (Voltaire) | Whenever you feel like criticizing any one ... just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had (F. Scott Fitzgerald, Great Gatsby). |