Design characteristics are the properties and attributes of a design. These can be used as a checklist to develop requirements for a design. Design characteristics can also be used by designers to improve the quality and professionalism of work outputs. The following are common design characteristics.
Accessibility | Cohesion – elements fit together | Color scheme | Compliance | Configurability | Consistency | Contrast & emphasis | Cost | Customization options | Ease of maintenance | Ease of use | Emotional appeal | Environmental impact | Error handling | Explorability & navigability | Features | Flexibility and versatility | Functionality | Gamification elements | Health & safety | Human error prevention | Iconography | Illustrations, photographs & other media | Information architecture | Information density – amount of information per screen | Interoperability | Languages | Layout & composition | Learnability | Look & feel | Materials | Narrative | Negative space | Performance | Personalization | Productive to use | Quality | Readability | Reliability | Repairability | Responsiveness | Reusability | Scalability | Scale and proportion | Security | | Shape & form | Style | Typography | Unity – sense that elements belong together | Usability | User engagement | Variety | Visual appeal | Visual balance | Visual cues |
Design characteristics include design principles such as visual balance and cohesion that are considered basic expectations for a professional design.
Design Considerations
This is the complete list of articles we have written about design considerations.
If you enjoyed this page, please consider bookmarking Simplicable.
A list of common design considerations.
A list of what is included in design requirements.
A list of the foundational design styles.
A glossary of customization terms.
A vocabulary for describing design style.
The common types of design constraint.
A comprehensive guide to design.
An overview of design services with examples.
An overview of user analysis with examples.
An overview of complexity and its pros and cons.
An overview of quality issues with examples.
An overview of modular design.
A list of visual design principles.
A list of visual design elements.
An overview of visual design with examples.
An overview of production design with examples.
An overview of the common types of media design.
An overview of packaging design with examples.
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