AlignmentPlacing elements on the same line and positioning them on that line (e.g. left, center or right). | Angular ShapesBoxes, horizontal lines and vertical lines are overused in design such that other angles tend to stand out. For example, the use of triangles. |
Asymmetrical BalanceA complex type of balance where both sides are different but equally weighted. | CohesionElements that look like they belong together. |
Color HarmonyColors that look like they belong together. | Complexity / New ComplexityThe opposite of minimalism -- designs that are detailed and dense. |
ContrastThe use of elements that do not match. | Design DominanceDesigning elements to dramatically stand out. |
Focal PointsAreas of emphasis that draw the viewer's attention. | HierarchyEstablishing a hierarchy of elements such as levels of headings in text. |
LayoutThe positioning of things such as the furniture in a room. | Leading LinesThe use of lines to direct the viewer's eyes. |
LineThe use of lines. | MinimalismThe use of few elements and much space. |
MovementThe sense that elements of a design are in motion. | Negative SpaceThe use of a background such as white. |
PerspectiveGiving a 2d visual work realistic depth. | ProximityThe closeness of things. |
RepetitionThe use of repeated elements. | Rule of ThirdsPlacing a 3x3 grid over your design and placing your focal point on one of the corners of the center box. |
ScaleDesigning physical environments to human scale. | Shape & FormThe shape or 3d form of the design and its elements. |
SizeThe size and relative size of elements. | Symmetrical BalanceA simple type of balance where both sides of middle are the same. |
TransitionThe flow between elements in a design. | Vanishing PointElements that get smaller towards an imaginary horizon line until they disappear altogether. A vanishing point is an art technique that creates perspective. |
Visual BalanceGiving both sides of middle an equal weight. | Visual WeightMaking elements appear heavy or light with variations of size, line, color and texture. |