Adapt | Advance |
Analyze | Apply |
Appraise | Appreciate |
Architect | Ascertain |
Assess | Automate |
Be able to | Break down |
Build | Build relationships |
Calculate | Challenge |
Change | Chart |
Choose | Classify |
Code | Combine |
Compare | Compose |
Comradery | Conceive |
Conceptualize | Conduct |
Consider | Construct |
Contemplate | Contrast |
Create | Criticize |
Critique | Cultivate |
Debate | Decide |
Decompose | Defend |
Define | Demonstrate |
Describe how | Describe why |
Design | Develop |
Devise | Diagram |
Direct | Disassemble |
Discover | Discuss |
Disprove | Distinguish |
Draw | Elaborate |
Engineer | Envision |
Estimate | Evaluate |
Examine | Expand |
Experience | Experiment |
Explain | Facilitate |
Find | Formulate |
Gain confidence | Help |
Identify | Illustrate |
Imagine | Improve |
Infer | Influence |
Invent | Investigate |
Judge | Justify |
Label | Lead |
List | Make |
Make use of | Manage |
Master | Measure |
Model | Optimize |
Organize | Originate |
Outline | Pitch |
Plan | Predict |
Present | Probe |
Produce | Promote |
Propose | Prove |
Qualify | Quantify |
Query | Question |
Rate | Recognize |
Recommend | Reengineer |
Reflect | Reinvent |
Relate | Remember |
Research | Review |
Shared experience | Show |
Simplify | Solve |
Support | Test |
Understand | Utilize |
Visualize |
Full Examples
The following are examples of how outcomes may be phrased.Participants will cultivate an appreciation for Kabuki theatre.
Students will be able to explain the special theory of relativity in plain English.
Participants will gain relationships, shared experiences and a sense of comradery with other leaders in the space industry.
Graduates will have gained a talent for architecting structurally sound, functional and visually appealing buildings and structures.
Participants will be able to identify hazards on a work site and recognize shortfalls in a safety culture.
Students will be able to accurately diagram complex 3d forms.
Participants will gain experience in debate and cultivate a talent for identifying and challenging assumptions.
Attendees will acquire the skills required to develop, pitch and gain approval for business plans.