Take initiative to improve things. | Job enrichment to take on more rewarding work. |
Job enlargement to take on more responsibilities. | Take the lead on projects and initiatives. |
Take on valuable action items. | Deliver to commitments. |
Continually learn new things each day. | Research your profession and industry. |
Offer brave ideas without fear of criticism. | Build relationships across your firm and industry. |
Find public speaking opportunities. | Solve problems for your team. |
Support the ideas of others. | Listen with intent to understand. |
Research to answer executive questions well. | Pitch projects and other changes to management. |
Push into important projects. | Frequently say yes to social activities at work. |
Be fearless in political battles and arguments. | Build up grit and resilience by regularly facing difficulties. |
Give credit to others and be humble. | Speak up in every meeting and be visible at all times. |
Try to be articulate and to offer ideas of value. | Admit mistakes and learn from failure. |
Attend industry conferences. | Regularly shake up your routine and do new things. |
Resist the urge to complain. | Push change forward that is important to your organization. |
Work with a sense of urgency and purpose. | Sideline negativity. |
Set professional development goals and regularly track them with your manager. | Block time for focused productivity |
Say no to low value work. | Respond quickly but efficiently to emails and messages. |
Have the confidence to use what you know as oppose to relying on others. | Help others to clear problems. |
Teach others what you know. | Adopt a growth mindset whereby you do not feel threatened by the success of others. |
Seek or become a mentor. | Have a sense of humor – be professional but not overly serious. |
Be kind to everyone regardless of their power and position. | Take on work before you’re ready in order to grow. |
Set ambitious stretch goals. | Set up experiments to test new approaches to your work. |
Measure things and be able to point to numbers to support your ideas. | Worry about how much you contribute before you worry about how much you get. |
Use modes of thinking such as optimism and pessimism strategically. | Set your standards for your work far beyond your peers. |
Be prepared to work hard when there is a need. | Take your paid time off and avoid needless overworking. |
Notice the positives in others and try to build them up. | Fight the urge to look for constant validation from others. |