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52 Examples of Professional Strategy

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Professional strategies are techniques for achieving individual performance and career goals. These include areas such as leadership, decision making, problem solving, influencing, motivation and navigating office politics that are often a strategic challenge for a career.
Take initiative to improve things.
Job enrichment to take on more rewarding work.
Job enlargement to take on more responsibilities.
Take the lead on projects and initiatives.
Take on valuable action items.
Deliver to commitments.
Continually learn new things each day.
Research your profession and industry.
Offer brave ideas without fear of criticism.
Build relationships across your firm and industry.
Find public speaking opportunities.
Solve problems for your team.
Support the ideas of others.
Listen with intent to understand.
Research to answer executive questions well.
Pitch projects and other changes to management.
Push into important projects.
Frequently say yes to social activities at work.
Be fearless in political battles and arguments.
Build up grit and resilience by regularly facing difficulties.
Give credit to others and be humble.
Speak up in every meeting and be visible at all times.
Try to be articulate and to offer ideas of value.
Admit mistakes and learn from failure.
Attend industry conferences.
Regularly shake up your routine and do new things.
Resist the urge to complain.
Push change forward that is important to your organization.
Work with a sense of urgency and purpose.
Sideline negativity.
Set professional development goals and regularly track them with your manager.
Block time for focused productivity
Say no to low value work.
Respond quickly but efficiently to emails and messages.
Have the confidence to use what you know as oppose to relying on others.
Help others to clear problems.
Teach others what you know.
Adopt a growth mindset whereby you do not feel threatened by the success of others.
Seek or become a mentor.
Have a sense of humor – be professional but not overly serious.
Be kind to everyone regardless of their power and position.
Take on work before you’re ready in order to grow.
Set ambitious stretch goals.
Set up experiments to test new approaches to your work.
Measure things and be able to point to numbers to support your ideas.
Worry about how much you contribute before you worry about how much you get.
Use modes of thinking such as optimism and pessimism strategically.
Set your standards for your work far beyond your peers.
Be prepared to work hard when there is a need.
Take your paid time off and avoid needless overworking.
Notice the positives in others and try to build them up.
Fight the urge to look for constant validation from others.
Next: Professional Development
More about professional strategy:
Bias For Action
Anticipating Objections
Concrete Goals
Asoh Defense
Defensive Pessimism
Fail Often
Challenging Assumptions
Fail Well
Charismatic Authority
Failing Upwards
Fait Accompli
Opportunity Cost
Professional Goals
Tit For Tat
Fake It Till You Make It
Managing Expectations
Nudge Theory
Taking The High Road
More ...
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