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7 Types of Promotional Objectives

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Promotional objectives are goals of marketing communications such as advertising. They are typically designed to be measurable using one of the following techniques.
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Brand Recognition

The percentage of your target market who recognize your brand from its name or visual symbols. It is common for large brands to advertise with the objective of building and maintaining brand recognition.

Brand Awareness

The percentage of your customers who associate your name with a product category. For example, people who name your brand when asked to name a cloud platform.

Demand Generation

Generating demand for products and services. For example, a retailer with an objective of increasing floor traffic by promoting a sale.

Market Penetration

Increasing your market penetration rate. For example, a technology company locked in an intense competition for a growing market may target market penetration over profits.

Brand Image

Objectives to build a specific type of brand image in the minds of customers. For example, a luggage company with an objective of being perceived as a luxury brand.


The objective of building a reputation or repairing a reputation.

Sales Leads

Promotions that are aimed at directly generating leads to close sales. In this case, promotions may be measured by cost per lead.
Overview: Promotional Objectives
Objectives of marketing communications.
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