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4 Examples of Matrix Management

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Matrix management is the use of multiple reporting lines within an organization to allow for flexible team configurations. This helps to prevent silos from forming whereby inefficient politics are involved in obtaining cooperation between teams. The following are illustrative examples of matrix management.


An IT department is composed of functional teams with team members commonly reporting to a project manager or multiple project managers within the scope of project work.


An ecommerce company is structured into product teams that release product features on a monthly basis. It is common for one individual to report to multiple product teams. For example, a graphic designer may contributor to features on four different products in a given month.

Cross Functional Teams

Matrix management allows for cross functional teams that span departments such as information technology, operations, marketing and finance. For example, a bank may develop a trading algorithm with a team of programmers, risk management specialists and traders.

Special Assignments

A software company has a functional structure of individual contributors reporting to team managers with the occasional special assignment that involves a dotted reporting line. For example, a database specialist assigned to a marketing technology team may be temporarily assigned to create a report for the head of sales.
Overview: Matrix Management
The use of multiple reporting lines within an organization to allow for flexible work assignments and team configurations.
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