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5 Elements of Network Architecture

network architecture
Network architecture is the structural design of computer networks. This is a core component of the design of digital infrastructure that has implications for security, performance, resilience and the cost of services such as office connectivity and facilities such as data centers. The following are common elements of network architecture.

Logical Architecture

Logical network architecture is the basic structure of a network that is abstracted away from the details of devices. This is a starting point in the design of networks that remains an important conceptual reference that remains in place as the details of your devices and configurations evolve.

Network Type

Network architecture ranges from the major infrastructure of a nation or telecom company all the way down to home networks that are used to automate, connect and provide entertainment in a modern residence.

Network Performance

The design of networks for speed and service quality. Network architects are also typically required to resolve complex performance issues such as a bottleneck that requires a structural change to a network.

Network Infrastructure

The evaluation, selection, design and implementation of network infrastructure. This includes network devices such as routers, infrastructure services such as telecom links and facilities such as data centers.

Network Security

The design of networks to prevent unauthorized access, disruption or use. This includes elements of infrastructure that can detect, prevent, mitigate and manage attacks.
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