Overview: Management Accounting | ||
Definition | The practice of applying formal numerical analysis to the strategy and management of an organization. | |
Applied To | Management ReportingStrategic PlanningDecision MakingProblem SolvingTroubleshootingRisk ManagementPerformance ManagementProcess MonitoringInternal ControlsFinancial ReportingCost Accounting | |
Scope | Any financial or non-financial measurement that is relevant to the strategy and management of an organization. |
High Level Examples | Executive DashboardsKey Performance IndicatorsBusiness MetricsManagement AnalyticsReportingThroughput AnalysisOperations MonitoringRisk AnalysisBudget ControlsQuality ControlsActivity Based CostingTransfer Pricing |
Concrete Example | An ecommerce company is building a business case for completely automating a distribution center and needs to calculate the throughput of the proposed robotic systems. A management accountant performs an analysis based on the proposed system and real business conditions to forecast the throughput. |
Characteristics | Value-CreatingUnlike financial reporting that generally reports what happens and forecasts what is expected to happen, management accounting actively seeks information that can create value for an organization. Forward-LookingManagement accounting is about improving a business today or in the future as opposed to reporting historical results.Competitive AdvantageWhere financial accounting is constrained to follow established standards, management accounting is an area of innovation that potentially represents a competitive advantage. In other words, it is often unique to a firm whereby one company may measure things that competitors can't measure. |
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