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Management Analysis

25 Examples of Performance Analysis

Performance analysis is the process of assessing real world results. This is a broad term that is applied to everything from sports to marketing. However, it is also a basic management practice whereby real world profitability, productivity, customer experience and any other metrics of interest are collected, summarized, visualized, reported and compared to goals, plans and benchmarks. The following are common elements of performance analysis.
A/B Testing
Budget Analysis
Business Analysis / Research
Competitive Analysis
Competitive Benchmarking
Data Analysis
Data Collection
Data Transformation
Data Visualization
Financial Analysis
Gap Analysis
Goal Achievement Rate
Internal Benchmarking
Outcome Analysis
Performance Improvement Plans
Performance Management
Performance Monitoring
Productivity Analysis
Profit Analysis
Rate of Return
Return On Investment

Management Analysis

This is the complete list of articles we have written about management analysis.
Audience Analysis
Business Capabilities
Business Case
Business Plan
Capacity Planning
Cost Analysis
Data Analysis
Decision Analysis
Financial Analysis
Gap Analysis
Ishikawa Diagrams
Lessons Learned
Management Theory
Market Research
Needs Analysis
Net Present Value
Opportunity Costs
Pareto Analysis
Problem Analysis
Process Gaps
Productivity Analysis
Risk Analysis
Scenario Planning
SWOT Analysis
Use Cases
User Stories
Variance Analysis
Workflow Analysis
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Management Analysis

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Capacity Planning

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Gap Analysis

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An reasonably comprehensive list of metrics.

Process Metrics

The common types of process metric.

Performance Metrics

A list of common performance metrics for businesses, programs and employees.

Annual Contract Value

The definition of annual contract value with calculation examples.

Run Rate

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Response Time

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Status Report

An overview of status report with full examples.

Success Factor Definition

The definition of critical success factor.

Critical Success Factors

A few examples of critical success factors.


A few examples of benchmarking.
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