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Metrics vs Measurements

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A metric is a system or standard for measuring something.
A measurement is a numerical observation.

The Difference

Metrics and measurements are similar enough that the two terms are commonly used interchangeably. The key difference is that a metric is based on standardized procedures, calculation methods and systems for generating a number. A measurement could be taken with a different technique each time. As such, metric is a more appropriate term for highly standardized measurements.


A firm is interested in measuring customer satisfaction. One week they go out and ask customers to rate their satisfaction on a scale of 1-3. The next week they go out and ask customers to rate their satisfaction on a scale of 1-4. Such measurements can't be considered metrics because they aren't observed using a system or standard.
When the firm decides on a standard scale and technique for gathering and computing customer satisfaction, it can accurately be referred to as a metric.
Metrics vs Measurements
Numerical observations based on standard systems, methods, calculations and data sources.
Numerical observations.
Key Difference
Potentially adhoc
Next: Business Metrics
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Attach Rate
Budget Variance
Capability Rate
Churn Rate
Compliance Rate
Cost Effectiveness
Customer Satisfaction Rate
Cycle Time
Error Rate
Gross Margin
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Marketing Metrics
On-Time Performance
Run Rate
Sales Metrics
Sales Volume
Share Of Wallet
Story Points
Takt Time
Time To Market
Time To Volume
Turnaround Time
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