Account Planning | Audience Analysis |
Awareness of Competition | Awareness of Customer Needs / Customer Perceptions |
Awareness of Trends | Brand / Product Positioning |
Brand Goals | Brand Initiatives |
Brand Planning | Business Development |
Campaign Tracking | Channel Partners |
Collaboration With Product Managers | Collaboration With Sales |
Competitive Insights | Consumer / Shopper Insights |
Consumer Research | Content Strategy |
Coordination with Business Operations / Supply Chain | Coordination with Marketing Operations |
Creative Direction / Strategy | Cross-functional Marketing Plans |
Customer Advocacy Programs | Customer Analysis |
Customer Engagement | Customer Experience |
Customer Retention | Customer Segmentation / Target Customers |
Digital Marketing / Advertising | Distribution |
Ecommerce Initiatives | Event Strategy / Event Planning |
Go-to-market Strategy | Identifying / Prioritizing Opportunities |
In-store Initiatives | Influencer Relations |
KPIs | Managing / Expanding Marketing Channels |
Managing Advertising / Creative Partners | Market Goals |
Market Research | Market Share |
Marketing Analytics | Marketing Budgets |
Marketing Campaigns | Marketing Collaterals |
Marketing Innovation | Marketing Objectives |
Marketing Offers | Marketing Strategy |
Media Planning | Media Relations |
Merchandising Programs / Materials | Metrics & Reporting |
Performance Analysis | Pricing Strategy |
Product Development | Product Management |
Project Sponsorship / Project Management | Promotion Planning |
Public Relations | Quality Improvement |
Return on Investment (ROI) | Revenue / Profit |
Rewards Programs | Sales Planning |
Sampling Strategy & Operations | Social Media Marketing |
Strategy & Business Planning | Supporting Sales |
Tactical Marketing Plans / Execution | Timelines & Schedules |