All (51)
Business Goals (35)
Media Objectives (16)
Audience Demographics | Audience Growth |
Average Order Value | Bounce Rate |
Brand Awareness | Brand Image |
Brand Loyalty & Engagement | Brand Mentions |
Brand Recognition | Brand Sentiment |
Building Influence | Building Subscribers |
Click-Through Rate | Closing Sales |
Conduct Market Research | Creating Awareness |
Customer Experience | Customer Lifetime Value |
Customer Relationships | Doing Good |
Drive Traffic to Physical Locations | Employer Branding |
Engagement Time | Establishing Authority |
Establishing Social Proof | Expand Market Reach |
Follower Growth Rate | Followers |
Generating Demand For Products & Services | Generating Leads |
Getting Customer Feedback | Improving Conversion Rates |
Improving Customer Service | Increasing Audience |
Increasing Share of Voice | Increasing Traffic |
Influencing Opinions, Perceptions & Attitudes | Information Dissemination |
Investor Relations | Managing An Issue |
Managing Regulatory Risk | Net Promoter Score |
Promoting Event Attendance | Reach |
Reducing Customer Acquisition Costs | Reputation |
Retargeting Customers | Return on Investment |
Revenue | Solving a Problem |
Unique Visitors |
Business Goals
Ultimately media efforts are measured in terms of business outcomes such as revenue, customer satisfaction, brand recognition and brand image. The following are common business goals that can be supported with media campaigns.- Acquiring customers and generating sales.
- Improving the recognition and image of a brand.
- Influencing perceptions.
- Creating awareness.
- Informing stakeholders such as investors.
- Promoting business events.
- Connecting with customers and target markets for purposes such as market research.
- Customer service functions such as issuing a recall.
Media Objectives
Objectives are steps towards goals. For example, improving your conversion rate could be a step toward generating revenue and other business goals such as a lower customer acquisition cost. The following are common media objectives. In some cases, these are also the end-goals of a business, particularly a media business.- Obtaining and converting traffic.
- Growing an audience.
- Building relationships such as subscribers.
- Increasing engagement with your content.
- Generating publicity such as brand mentions.